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Messages - Incel

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That! That makes sense. Yeah!
And never forget that there are MANY other factors as: status, capital (money), character, luck, personality, concrete psychology and former experience.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Do you agree with the theory
« on: July 12, 2022, 05:54:52 AM »
Well, there is a theory that pretty boys are more smv-ed that the Chads. How do you think, brocels, incelologists and other fans of the theory?

To add this: The same crazy thing is happening with bigger groups. For example, because of 20 crazy gun owners in the US who shoot innocent people, all the gun owners have to suffer and meet consequences.
Because of one Putin (and some around him with power), all the Russians have to meet consequences.
Because of few brainless incels, all the incels are blacklisted...

It's not in fair. It's NOT in fair!


Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.

A brocel named InMemoriam comment my comment that "the study is clearly states thats violence can be the result of prolonged untreated mental disorders, it has nothing to do with incels being educated:feelswhat: additionally mental disorders are highly due to genetic heritability:feelsUgh: could you care to explain what you mean by ''normal'':feelswhat:"

I answered this: Simply: there are crazy and abnormal people amongst every group (Islamic people, communists, Russians, German, etc.) because of a minority of terrorists or killers, it's not in fair to blame all of the group. For example, 10 incels are killers but this doesn't mean that all of us are killers. 20 incels are abnormal (psychiatric issues) but it doesn't mean that all of us are freaks.

And yes, the education MAY help to increase your self-control and at least to search help when you feel you're going insane. The uneducated person even can't make the difference between good and bad, normal and abnormal.


Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.

It's a good one who reminds the low IQcels (idiotcels) who are not afraid to go to the jail:

"Are the jails in your country such a good place?
I see some brocels are okay with going to jail (they tend to call others to rape, to kill, etc.) which is something like "Jail is not a problem for me!" So, let me ask you:
Are the jails in your places such a good place? No need to suffer inside without freedom, to be raped becoming a situational gay or beaten and disabled, ruined physically and mentally? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

Brocels, seriously, especially the idiotcels who call for violence like mass killings, murders, rapes, etc. DON'T RUIN your lives. The jails are full of people worse than you who're going to #@!##%%#$%# your $#@!#@!%#$%."

"And DON'T forget this: With CRIMINAL RECORD it's over for you to ascend abroad !"

"Maybe it will blow your mind but it is better to know it. Don't ruin your SEAmaxx, or another geomaxx! Read and share to all brocels: How a criminal record can affect your geomaxx".

Remember this: "Yeah... and then some brocels ask "Why they hate us?" Because of the few % aggressive and mental disordered incels (and trolls) they think all of us are freaks." + "And mad = to call the brocels to kill and to rape and to go to jail? Sorry, but only the idiotcels are doing this. The decent incels can't ruin their lives and those of the brocels."
And a police website about the incels: https://www.police1.com/mass-casualty/articles/5-things-to-know-about-incels-EgvFu5aPXU7ui1It/

Do you get it? Because of the crazy incels (minority), now even the normal and good incels (which I believe are the majority) had bad reputation in the eyes of the policemen in many countries.

It's sad because most of the incels around the world even don't know that they're incels.

No, guys, really think about it: how brainwashed or stupid you have to be if you don't understand that if you add some sport (muscles), education, money, skills, life experience and so on you're going to be and to look much better than the incel you're now and that you'll mog even the failed Chads at some point?

You see. The point is that all of us can improve (maxx) themselves and achieve better bodies, knowledge, skills and so on. if we want, of course. If we're lazy or too "blackpilled" then nothing can help our self-destruction.

I want to tell the youngcels and those who are just young incels and younger incels that: I'm a bit elder (maybe the age of your parents) so I'll support it with examples with my female classmates. Only 1 of the Stacies continued to take care of herself (viitamins, gyms, no smoking...) and she's still a sexy girl (doesn't look like woman). Some of the Beckies did the same and now they look also younger and better than some young girls. But most Stacies and Beckies became landwhales (obese to overobese) so... the conclusion is clear. With the men is the same -- because I do maxx, now I still look like some last year college student or postgrad. But most of my male classmates are grandpa or uncle style big belly guys.

racoon4 (a brocel from incels.is) asked "what kind of shitty forum is that". If someone can improve it, let improve it.  ;D

Don't mentioned it. Some incels are really just trolling; many of them are just still kids or teenagers and they'll say irresponsibly things that they even don't really think and (or) don't really understand.

For example, I think the best way is to ignore such baseless trollings.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Re: "greycel"
« on: July 11, 2022, 04:48:14 AM »

A "greycel" ("graycel")... so what?

I don't remember if we discussed it already in the omnilogy's incels topic but I'll notice it here. It's not some special kind of incel (like those legit ones: baldcel, oldcel, shortcel, mentalcel, poorcel, etc.) it's just a term about newbies in that incels.is forum.

It's not serious to attack someone just because he's new and haven't post enough in some forum. This status ("Oh, I post 1 000 000 posts here!") isn't something that makes you more clever or better in some significant way!

Hey, right now a brocel named "jerkjocky" again spread some kind of gray-blah-blah (
Another day, another brainlet GrAY
). I told him that some of the grays graduated in European universities and got Master's degrees... and speak 5 foreign languages. Brainlet? Yeah, sure. Just because he said so. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The poor kid can't understand that the number of the posts in some forum doesn't correlate with the level of the IQ, knowledge, experience, achievements and personal qualities. :)

I like these topics.

Okay, check this out! "Taking photos? You fakecel! :D LOL" -- I mean I brocel saw some pics of mine and his comment was:

The brocel "TheGambler2" said that I'm a "fakecel normie for having someone to take pictures of me. :D LOL! LOL!

I answered him this: "Wrong definition. "No sexual activity = INCEL." Taking pictures doesn't provide you sex, brainy!"

What I mean? I mean that it's low IQed to believe that if you are working with a female or if you're having a friend who helps you to take a photo or two, is an ascending. Even being a husbandcel doesn't make you a fakecel in many cases.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Brocel assuming i have a gf
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:34:51 AM »
Brocel assumed that I have a gf. Well, when someone is assuming something like this, I have to take it positively; as a compliment, I suppose. Well, I wish I had a gf. A real gf... But I haven't.

Sad or funny? The brocel said "Shopping in the women's section. :feelshehe: For your gf? :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelsugh::feelssus:"  :P And I explained honestly that in fact it's in a local sportshop where I use dumbbells like that in my right hand for free because I have no money for gym and I just go to use free stuff like this. (In the shops, supermarkets, in the gardens, at home.) Once you have the wish to gymcelling and to be a decent gymcel, the poverty can't stop you!

Some update about that Chad (i. e. Chang, because he's an Asian guy and according to the incels' jargon a handsome Asian male = Chang).

Well, brocels, the thing is that he's a Chinese 18 years old Chad (Chang) who challenged me to fight him. Later he found out I'm much older than him (and tbh -- more experienced in martial arts) and asked me to become his teacher (sifu/shifu or something like this). :) So, a sort of my student. If you're interested I can post here some of his photos (no face of course) and my photos and compare the genome.

Ahhh! Yeah, I forgot to explain about the genome thing. Well, the whole story here: I usually do not post ragefuel because I'm a science oriented and balanced guy. But this is too much!

He is taller than most of the people around him, more muscular, with more hair, with bigger bones (shoulders, fists, frame...) and has good-looking face, but still "I can't gain more weight. I want to be heavier. I hate my poor genome which is holding me back!"

WTH, man?! What we, the balder, the shorter the weaker and the uglier can say?!  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Some brocels comments were like these:

"... it is a way for them to humble brag in a somewhat more socially acceptable manner."

"Fake and g@y."

"Such a foid." ("foid" = female human, i. e. a woman; a girl).

"... he can't gain weights, that must be depressing for him."

A brocel also asked me for details -- "How tall was the said Chang? How much does he heightmog you assuming you are 5'6 or 168 cm?" I answered him that I think I am 5.61 exactly and he's 5.90+

 Well, tl;dr: me: less hair, less muscles, worse frame, smaller bones, 10 cm. shorter than him (and still never blamed my genome!!!) And the Chang with the "poor genome"...  ;D
 I told him to be proud of what he got and not to underestimate his good genome. Many males can only dream to have this kind of genome -- taller, with bigger bones (including hands/fists), good-looking face.


Oops! "The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
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It's okay. I'll do it. I am a patient person.

As a (sort of) oldcel (around 50 y. o.), I'll say this: my honest personal opinion -- if I wasn't so poor, with my gymmaxxed and edumaxxed old body and brain + my romantic abilities and normal personality, I could find someone (female) who'll at least try to love me.

I don't want to brag because I'm balding and I'm not tall. These issues + my poverty are serious problems. But, I still think that according to what I see there is no single rich man. So if I was at least not poor, I will be able to find at least an average looking woman (a Becky) who is also with a good personality and able to develop some feelings towards me. True love? Not sure if there is such thing and if it's really possible but some affections, may be!

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