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Messages - Incel

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 ;D The infidelity huh... That husband is really something. Well, logically:

a) he's just a normie but she's really getting disgusting (fatter and/or bitter as character, no matter what) and he's just tired of her, maybe he hasn't any lover just wanting to leave her. "Please, release me let me go! For I don't love you anymore!" you know?

b) he's a Chang-tier! He succeed to marry her (as we see she was a hot or a cutie maybe a noodle Stacy-tier or around) but also he's so attractive and/or smart that he's able to attract another one! Wow!

In both cases it's not a commoner, an ordinary man.

Despite of how much it'll be cool if he can graduate there and got this rare degree and then makes good money and supports his needs, some of the brocels and to ascend. 8) 8) 8) The challenge is being able to survive in a high competetive, rude, and not safe place where some people like to open fire.

Calm down. Maybe it's just a spambot who didn't realize what's it quoting and who.

Yes. In most of the countries around the world the short females are considered very cute and/or sexy or at least normal people. Not an issue for a girl/woman at all if you haven't some severe problem to bother you.

And still, tell the guy above that if he get rich and he's with good personality there will be a woman for him. He's so depressed that he's 1.64 and not enough good looking. Tell him that all rich and good-hearted man surely can find at least one girl to accept them without worry that they're short or not 10/10 handsome.

(I mean our Liam brocel. He's a cool brocel, isn't he?)

Other topics / Re: OMG!
« on: April 26, 2023, 03:33:36 AM »
Is it free? Online based? If so, link it, please.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: April 26, 2023, 01:27:48 AM »
Mine is: "
Path to Warband on Steam
Unlock your inner strategist with this one-of-a-kind deckbuilding
card game"

 ;D 8) I play chess but not card games.

I want to confirm that even when it happens to pass the looks treshold, the nationality treshold, the age treshold, the height treshold, then still if the female realizes you're not rich, she is very "No!"

There was one who liked me (all those nationality, looks, etc.) but when she got that I can't take her to restaurants every day, she said that I am "What a joke!" or something and never talk to me again.

DON'T miss my FREE E-BOOK and read about the Rejection#1, it's VERY RELATED: Free E-book "500 Rejections"

EARN MONEY / "1 000 000 to a Chinese person"
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:29:48 PM »

"1 000 000 to a Chinese person"

To Recipients
2022-08-03 00:54
Wednesday, August 03, 2022 (Wed) 00:54
6 KB
My name is Andrew Cherng; I am a Chinese-born American billionaire restaurateur. I am the founder and chairman of Panda Restaurant Group, based in Rosemead, California. I am also the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Panda Express. I am a billionaire and a philanthropist.
I want to donate the sum of $ 1,000,000 (One Million US Dollars) to a Chinese person to help me carry out my charity work in China.
If you are interested in accepting my donation and to use it the way I will instruct you, please contact me for more detail.
To learn more about me, you can type my name (Andrew Cherng) on Google.
I am waiting for your response
Remain blessed
Andrew Cherng"

Sadly I am not a Chinese person but I strongly believe that it's the real Andrew and that he's using a .br email! ;)

Try to ascend until you're young because becoming an oldcel isn't good. I mean now you may be shortcel but at least you're not a baldcel. What if the baldceling hit you? Of course, with moneymaxx you can ascend in one way or another especially if you combine it with the right geomaxx.

I think you have more chances than me.

Brocel, you're really lucky if you're really a rich person. Well because the girls in your social circle are also rich they are even pickier than the average female and they'll search for more traits like "I want a tall man." but if you lower your standards and choose to be in a non-Shanghai area (for example, pick a town around Guiyang (贵阳) or something similar) you'll be not an incel anymore. You're a locationcel (mostly and firstly).

Till now only some women asked me "How tall you are?", most of the questions are: "What's your job?", "What do you work and how much do you earn?", "Are you rich?", "Do you have a company?", "What do you plan to develop as a business?"

My main problem is that I am poorcel and this is it: money > the rest.

Especially when some concrete person only sends his/her portrait photos (only head and neck)... if you can't see his/her belly, waist, legs, there is a "red light" that he or she isn't fit or at least he or she is highly insecure about his/her body.

I'll tell you a real story from my current neighbourhood. There is a small shop. It survived the crazy lockdowns and the ruined economy as a result. One of the reason was that it didn't keep strictly the lockdown measures (being in a remote area with less control) but it's not the point. The point is his smallness. :) It is one of the "shortcels" around. ;D ;D ;D Can't compare it with the supermarkets around. Even the smallest supermarket is a "Chadlite" compared to this shortie. ;D ;D ;D And now, check this out:

the owner added photocopier services, steamed bread (man tou), fresh coconuts, coffee, some spirit and other "maxxes". 8) Now it's already a sort of competitor to some of the small supermarkets because it's not a supermarket itself but it's more than a small supermarket (it hasn't all supermarkets' goods but it has goods and services that you can't find in the supermarkets, so still it's already almost at their level). You see? When you add more to something (to your shop or to your body, to yourself), then you're having all these more chances to ascend.

About the
misusage of Cognitive Dissonance
I totally agree. I saw in the incels communities (overwhelmed, yes overwhelmed by blackpillers) that the average incel there is a teenager (13-19) and the bigger problem is that the incels there mostly do not maxx and ignore the power of the knowledge. There are 1% educated and 10% semi-educated, around this... but the majority can't get the things and the reality properly. The average attitude is: "I am genetical trash. My parents are the main reason. Everything is over. I hate Chads and Stacies. Normies are soy-ciety. Elliot Rodger is a saint. But, after all, I deserver sex!"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You can't get any positive development being in such a degenerative retardcel communities. The 1%-10% better incels can't compensate the overall destruction. They'll just decrease your proper English language, mislead you about some terms, put in your mind some pessimistic and self-destructive ideas and you'll lose even the smallest, tiny chances that you have got.

Yes, the younger generations all around the world tend to be taller (this is the acceleration https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Acceleration_(human_development)).

So, in your case, the south of China (南方) or other foreign geomaxx... if in the West, only super self-maxxing may help, but if you can reach the beta-bux level (and I bet you can because usually the university staff can reach it in the West) you will not die as a virgincel. Another option that I can see is some Western landwhale with a good heart. Maybe you can make her to lose weight and then you'll build a happy family? Who know...

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