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Messages - MSL

 The psycho-lowIQist crimecel Zhang Jie from Shanghai crated a new TikTok account and tried to send some of his new hallucinations but they were blocked by TikTok and let me to decide to approve them or not🚫. Of course, I don't approve schizophrenic criminal posts, I reported several of them and they will ban him soon.  8) (but the new thing here is that these hallucinations are already full of not only zoophilia, rape wishes, etc. but also full of blatant pedophilia! This schizophrenic underdeveloped and degraded truecel is the first case ever, as far as I know, who shows symptoms of almost all sort of psychopathology phenomena. Going to add his pedophilia hallucinations in the list here and after that going to continue my self-development and to complete my duties (sports, learning, cooking, recycling, earning satoshis, creating more new videos, washing and doing my best for my One-it-is  8) :) ).

P. S. Screenshots available for all of you who want them. PS me.



I still love Chinese people, culture, etc and I will love my favorite Chinese person forever (and I will teach her and only her, if she wants), but about teaching others -- nah, "enough is enough."

 I stopped teaching Chinese students online but I love her very much and she is my one and only Chinese student (for free; I will never charge her for classes because it's my real pleasure to teach her English and everything I can.) She really likes this language and plans to work something language related in the near future so I do my best to improve her English. By the way she speaks better than ~85% of the Chinese population and teaching her is comparatively easy. Today I sent her a short grammar related lesson:

"应该的。👼 今天我只写了 10 个前缀(和一个后缀)的例子,其中有有趣的单词“love”。😄 同时,你可以了解前缀的用法并学习一些新单词👍❕。 👉1. under- (不够-):under-love-d (缺乏关爱). 👉2. de- (不要再做某事): de-love-d (爱过了,但是分手了;前男女友,等。)👉3. mis- (错-):mis-love (不充分,不完美,误导的爱。)👉4.    be- (制造,导致): be-love-d (心爱, 最爱的). 👉5. pre- (有过了,之前)pre-love-d (二手的东西 或 已经不是处女/处男的人). 👉6. pro- (支持): pro-love (一种支持或相信一切形式的真诚、忠诚的爱与关怀的哲学). 👉7. anti- (反对,讨厌):anti-love (反爱,  不要谈恋爱,觉得爱是没有意思的或危险的,等)👉8. post- (以后,之后):post-love, post-relationship (分手后,离婚后的感觉,情况。)👉9. non- (非-,没-)non-love (非爱,没有爱). 👉10. omni- (全部,全-)omni-love (爱全部的或爱100%的一个人的). 🌟"

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« on: October 17, 2024, 08:32:34 PM »

 At this point I am around 7/10+, let's say, 7.1/10. So what I attract is like 20-30% of the females around the world (about the bisexual and homosexual males like him, I don't want to care because I am straight.) After an year, I think I may become a solid 7.5/10 and after two years - a solid 8/10. The last, third year, will be crucial for my 9/10 goal and if I see that I can't reach the level, I should use some additional ways which aren't currently in my list, such as protein diets, more gym stuff and relocation... But if at that time (the third year) she thinks that as an 8/10 I look good enough, then I can just be happy with it, because I do it only for her. If she likes me as an 8/10 man, then I don't care if the others will also like me in this level or only if I am a 9/10 or above. I don't need to be a playboy, what I need is the person I love to love me too.  :)

 Of course. Everyone is safe after my new strategies were implemented here. This trashy bisexual psychotic little low IQist (and low EQist) Shanghaicel criminal is not able to bother you here at all.

 Yes, he is flooding the PMs with all his insane and, more and more, degraded schizophrenic hallucinatory stuff but if you spend even a minute to read the product of his totally damaged brain it means that you're stupider than him.  :D Ignore the ill, sick brains like him and see how your life improves day by day, such as my life. Did you notice recently how much more I am getting? More subcribers, more muscle mass, more knowledge and even more appreciation from my One-it-is. But all this is because I don't waste even a minute with inhumane psychocels like this little miserable schizophrenic.

 Once you're really one of the 9/10s, then, only the 10/10s + some of the other 9/10s are your real competitors. Even you include some of the exceptional 8/10s, it's pretty obvious that there will be no more than around 7-8% of the people all around the world who may be a serious competition to you. Hence, yes, I do hope that once I achieve the 9/10 status there will be a serious chance for something more between us...

 Of course. Plenty of examples but when it's about something so concrete it's not guaranteed at all because the success rate is never 100% when it comes to a certain person.

 Well, step by step, you know... After achieving so much in our lives, one day, I hope, we may achieve it too.  8) I am woking hard every day and night.  8)

 My new single (rap song) inspired by my favorite JH, of course: https://youtu.be/FCoZ6XSJx4w

I miss you night and day. I love you all the same. I'll do my very best to give you joy and rest. 💕💯🍀



I just love her, this is my business. No matter what others say, no matter what my friends think, I just love her. Even if the whole world is against it, I will not give up on her. Because this is my own business, it has nothing to do with others.
I know it is romantic and naive to do this, but I just can't help loving her. I admit that I am a person without good luck and bottom line, but I am willing to pay for this love. Maybe you think I am pitiful, but I think I am very lucky. Because I met a person who makes my heart beat, which gives me the courage to fight for my life.
Maybe one day I will regret it and suffer, but I believe that as long as I persist, one day I will find my own happiness. So, please don't persuade me to give up, because this is my own choice, and I am willing to pay everything for this love.


Просто я обичам, това е моя работа.  Без значение какво казват другите, независимо какво мислят приятелите ми, аз просто я обичам.  Дори и целият свят да е против, аз няма да се откажа от нея.  Защото това е моя собствена работа, няма нищо общо с другите.
 Знам, че е романтично и наивно да правя това, но просто не мога да не я обичам.  Признавам, че съм човек без късмет и "без спирка", но съм готов да платя за тази любов.  Може би ме мислите за жалък, но мисля, че съм голям късметлия.  Защото срещнах човек, който кара сърцето ми да тупти, който ми дава смелост да се боря за живота си.
 Може би някой ден ще съжалявам и ще страдам, но вярвам, че докато упорствам, един ден ще намеря собственото си щастие.  Така че, моля, не ме убеждавайте да се откажа, защото това е мой личен избор и съм готов да платя всичко за тази любов.

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