A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) / Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
« on: August 08, 2024, 03:29:53 AM »
Before I start to answer about the "epic fall", let me take some time to explain about his "retaining" the countdown timer (which in fact was a wall clock), tiger time (a slogan of beer, not a tiger fight gambling) and ("poisonous") anacondas "for a lifetime to preserve one own's dignity".
1. I understand his wish and hope everyone to forget his epic falls (yes, not just epic fails, but epic falls! Later I will post more about it.) but it is not going to happen. He wants everyone easily to forget about his lies, misdeeds and crimes and to accept him, to respect him. Oh, he wishes!!! In Chinese: 想得美!
2. It's so funny... Exactly he, he who repeats like a partot so many things to complain that people pointed to his ridiculous and unforgettable mistakes several times.
3. Again, for the slow incels: https://youtube.com/shorts/k9FWKo75Yyk?si=BiadZ3EtAIMGxBqN
1. I understand his wish and hope everyone to forget his epic falls (yes, not just epic fails, but epic falls! Later I will post more about it.) but it is not going to happen. He wants everyone easily to forget about his lies, misdeeds and crimes and to accept him, to respect him. Oh, he wishes!!! In Chinese: 想得美!
2. It's so funny... Exactly he, he who repeats like a partot so many things to complain that people pointed to his ridiculous and unforgettable mistakes several times.
3. Again, for the slow incels: https://youtube.com/shorts/k9FWKo75Yyk?si=BiadZ3EtAIMGxBqN