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Messages - MSL

 Before I start to answer about the "epic fall", let me take some time to explain about his "retaining" the countdown timer (which in fact was a wall clock), tiger time (a slogan of beer, not a tiger fight gambling) and ("poisonous") anacondas "for a lifetime to preserve one own's dignity".

 1. I understand his wish and hope everyone to forget his epic falls (yes, not just epic fails, but epic falls! Later I will post more about it.) but it is not going to happen. He wants everyone easily to forget about his lies, misdeeds and crimes and to accept him, to respect him. Oh, he wishes!!! In Chinese: 想得美!
 2. It's so funny... Exactly he, he who repeats like a partot so many things to complain that people pointed to his ridiculous and unforgettable mistakes several times.

 3. Again, for the slow incels: https://youtube.com/shorts/k9FWKo75Yyk?si=BiadZ3EtAIMGxBqN

Of course, later. Btw, I edited Dimitroff's post because he got an English grammar typo.  :)

 It's quite possible. Especially those with bad male:female ratios in the most of their regions.

Other languages / Банка
« on: August 07, 2024, 02:54:45 AM »
 Днес имаше лека заетост с една от банките (корейски клон). Теглене на пари, откриване на нов едногодишен депозит (влог) със седемпроцентна лихва. След това трейднахме (обменихме) сто долара за над 411000 риела. Свършихме и други неща (900 долара в друга банка, пазаруване на царевица, аспирин, безалкохолни напитки, готвене, спортуване, писане...) и то не остана време за основното трейдване (с вторичните суровини). :D

 Yes. Zhang Jie from Shanghai likes it because it's sort of simple and childish enough for his intellectual (and emotional) development. (By the way he is, sort of, self aware of that because once he admitted that emotionally, mentally he feels younger than he is, i.e. his chronological age doesn't reflect his real emotional age). To put it simpler, a low EQ + a low IQ incel likes some kindergarten (or primary school) "how to" videos... is a very common situation. From oligophrenopedagogical point of view, it's good because it points to the fact that he is not overestimating his learning abilities (like before when he was deluted that he may learn psychometrics and become a "Prof. Zhang".)

 Sure but it'll be fast.
 1. "Elongate".  :D The next good example how bad is his English (but thinks that others have Englsh laguage probems because of his psychopathological projection).
 A short explanation for the English languagemaxx-ers: Well, "elongate", as a verb, means to make (something) longer, especially unusually so in relation to its width. If you are talking about time you are using another verb -- "prolong".

 2. Of course he likes and even admires our simple cooking. Recently we have no time for cooking more special dishes and we prepare comparatively simple ones. But for him, who even didn't know how to boil tea at home (and chose to buy bottled tea for his diet-maxx and gym-maxx!), a simple soup or something similar is the top of the culinary. :D

 3. About the "Tiger time", he just tries to rationalize (psycholgically speaking) his epic fail about the clock, which in his poor brain was "countdown timer", and about the "Tiger" beer's slogan ("It's Tiger Time!") which in his poor brain was supposed to be some  gambling related to fights with tigers. So now he tries to somehow ironize it, to make others to forget about it because it's too humiliating for his IQ, his ability to perceive the reality adequately and for his general knowledge (education).
 Of course, I will be not surprised if this is also something bisexualism related too. Who is that straight male who will care so much about the prolonged "T!ger time" of another male? Usually the homosexual and bisexual males.

 4. About the philosophy ("philosopher"), he wants to be one but he can't. He is a failure. Couldn't start to study his favorite psychometrics, now can't learn well Japanese and tries to learn some engineering but still remains a loser.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Trigger law
« on: August 05, 2024, 03:31:08 AM »

Trigger law

 About the Trigger law:


 "MSL" comes from the Bulgarian "Mir, sport, lyubov" ("Мир, спорт, любов"). The meaning of these three words is "Peace, sport, love". The mentally challenged made it as "M$L" which means "Peace, dollars, love". Still good. :D
 In the post where he forgot the spelling of "MSL" he expressed his wet dreams that it's "pitiful" for me as a high IQ individual to just record two pretty SEA girls to be "stuffed" with them and to inform them about the "duration of my tiger time".

 Seems that his inceldom (and the psychotism) makes him so needy that he thinks that everyone who is a male should go to do what he CAN'T do and if the male doesn't then it's "pitiful".  :D
 And seems that he was that excited watching the pretty girls online that he misspelled not only "MSL" but also "tiger" which was typed as "t!ger"  :D :D. Read it aloud: "T - exlamation mark - ger".
Cool.  8) ;D
 But speaking seriously, the language abnormalities are part of the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. The bipolar disorder and others also may be the cause. Some related materials:

So, please, don't laugh and think of it as a quite possible result of his mental health problems! As humanists and democrats (social-democrats, socialists, etc.) we have to avoid laughing at the disabled (including mentally disabled) people.

 And about the pop-maxx (dance-maxx): how to dance easily -- https://youtube.com/shorts/GwJUxx6pz3c
 Hope that you are satisfied. :)💕


Несполучлив трейдинг с желязо

но поне имаше благотворителност

Значи бях насъбрал разни железа: стари ножици, катинари, железни поставки, остарели, почупени спортни уреди и отивам до пункта. Там една от служителките вика, че може да ги изкупуват, но другата, по-висшестояща май, я сецна, че ме може. Та си останах само със спорта (ходенето и носенето на железата като гиричка  :), има-няма 2-3 кила.) Все пак, поне 250 калории изгорих. :D
 Другото важно бе, че железата ги дарих на една бездомна, едноръка женица. Тв събира всичко, влиза й в работа, доколкото виждам. Та сторих, така да се каже, благотворителност и тя искрено се зарадва, каза едно "Благодаря!" от сърце!  :) Много се зарадвах, че така се получи!

 One by one.
 First, here comes the simpler version, with the Chinese style public toilet. I hope it will be enough for his intellectual level (and the level of the other learners):

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: August 04, 2024, 04:25:11 AM »
 Аха. Ще. Само нека първо да постна за олигофренчето в секцията за недоброволно целибатните в този форум.

 Of course.  8)
 Made it as soon as I could. 8)
 Enjoy: https://youtube.com/shorts/4RE_iTUQkCE

 (Useful for the pop-maxx too. :) )

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