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Messages - MSL

A very new example.


How to earn money there?

Lynn Kate:


Where are you located!!

In Cambodia.

A country in South East Asia.

Lynn Kate:

Do you have cashapp or bitcoin wallet!

A Bitcoin wallet, yes.

Lynn Kate:

What is ur bitcoin wallet

Coinbase wallet.

Lynn Kate:

A Coinbase wallet.

Okay, so?

Lynn Kate:
Send me the coinbase wallet!!

The address?

Lynn Kate:


Lynn Kate:
So for today I will be doing test run on going 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯

Tapin now

30$ for $1500

40$ for $1800

50$ for $2500

70$ for $2700

80$ for $3000

90$ for $3500

100$ for $4000

$150 for $4800

$200 for $5500

$250 for $7500

$300 for $8500

$400 for $9500

$500 for $15000

$600 for $17000

$700 for $18000

$800 for $27200

$900 for $38000

$1,000 for $40000


Legit glitch sauce method 💰can't never do anything that will affect you

 Trust and be honest

Test and trusted


Choose your budget now for you to make your payment and receive your paid within 5-10mins back !!

You mean that I send first money to you?

Lynn Kate:
You have to make your payment for any one you choose out of the list sending to you for you to receive your paid back within 5-10mins

You mean that I pay you first money? 😀

Lynn Kate:

But I don't have any money. Plus, I am not a low IQ person.😀

Lynn Kate:

Lynn Kate:
When you have money to invest you can let me know!!

But I will still remain a high IQ person. I never pay first. I only receive money first.

Lynn Kate:
That can happen here


Okay, send me money first.👌👍

Lynn Kate:
I know i cant force you to trust me but all i know is i will never lie to you or try to toy with your feelings....... The Bible teaches a lot of.. “Do unto others what you want them to do unto y” Matthew 7: the 12. I have no bad intentions and I am very honest with you and because there are some bad eggs out there doesn’t mean everyone is bad

I’m not here for unserious person

So when you are ready to invest you make your payment for you to receive your paid out here !!


No religions. Pure logic. You are scamming.

Then she or "she" got mad and started to play it the victim (like "why do you call me a scam, when I still didn't get your money?"  :D) and soon after it deleted all our Teleram's chat. I am glad I kept this copy and some screeshots for the proof 🧾. 8)

 Not NEETing anymore.
 I am adding this news here.
 In fact, Zhang wasn't a 100% NEETcel because he used his free time for training: bodybuilding (gymmaxx) + Japanese language (languagemaxx) + engineering (another edumaxx activity).
 And now he's already working; he said he got a job. Congratulations! 🎉🎉 👏
 Let's wish him good luck and successful working. Because this is his first job experience ever!

 His voice is okay. He even tries to artmaxx via singing. Another good trait.
 And it's not true for most of women that they care if your hobby is sports or not. For example, there are women who would like your photography, music, paper cut hobbies... They like sporty bodies but they don't exactly need you to be into sports except when they like, for example, volleyball and it's a bonus if you know the current volleyball players, results, events, etc.
 The height is incel-tier only in some areas of the world. With all of the rest -- especially the improved body and diet (under my coaching) and all those millions (especially the free capital in the pocket, if it's totally real and free), in the right areas you're a Chang-lite tier which guarantees ascending. (Of course, the languagemaxx can speed up it and make the socialmaxx easier.)
 About the philosophy interests and philosophy-maxx it's useful for everyone and saves a lot of problems when your are poor and even more when you are rich. So, in the future, consider to hire me as a philosophy teacher for just 1 renminbi per day.  8) With 30 renminbis per month you will improve your true philsophy and you will know things like "Why the meaning of life is partly present and partly non-pesent?" or "Why the thinking is beyond the matter but not purely immateial?" 8)

 His voice is alright. Later more about the inceldom and its concrete problems in Zhang's case.

 Don't underestimate it, nor overestimate it too.

 Maybe... Or they just will be ashamed to share the results because it will prove their limited explanation power or, simply put it, they are not going to understand and/or admit that they were more insufficient then they are.
 It's easy to blame just (only) your height but it's nog easy to admit that you had or have much more flaws like androgynous body due to lack of sport, personality issues, independence issues, geo/location issues and so on.

 One of the most irritating situations is when you spent a lot of precious time to give them advices, opinions, ideas and so on, but they criticize you for not being something like enough polite (or, the opposite -- enough honest), too pessimistic or too optimistic...
 Later, I will try to be more specific.


Incelology (practical)

  Here is a new topic about my (and yours) experience with the incels in the real life.
 I will start to share, step by step, anonymously, my experience with the incels online and offline.

 Don't only rely on your one course or online tutoring. Find more sources by yourself. It was one of the Zhang's points too.

 About the 2nd post. Well here we may agree that the poverty produce more incels, more stupidity (illiterate people, to be strict), etc. But it's naive to think that the poor ones are the ugliest. There are many pretty poor girls or boys. Of course, the poverty stops (or makes it difficult to develop) their full potential but it's not true that the poor are ugly.
 See how many poor Philippinos, Indonesians, Khmers are out there! People who like to SEAmaxx know what I mean.



 Because of the hosting problems Zhang's amazing thread of education maxxing (edumaxx) disappeared forever.
 It was full of good points.
 Let's try to restore it more or less

 One of his points was: his psychology teacher taught him how to focus. It was via drawing a dot on a blank paper and starting to stare at it (of course, without forgetting the eyes' health!) for some minutes.
 Being focused is important for your edumaxx. 8)

"the more shorter you are, the higher possibility there is that you are ugly"

 :o Who made this "discovery"?! It sounds unbelievable false! There are so many pretty short girls and so many ugly tall, giant ones that's it's hard to even think there is 1% truth in this. Plus, who defines "ugly" and how in this study (if there is any)?!

"like, you are 165cm in China, then there is higher possibility that not only are you ugly but also you are uglier than 70% of Chineses)"

 Sounds fake. And is there really some real study about these claims?

"and it's the same with height and IQ"

Correlation between IQ and height! Amazingly false!

"height and personality"

 Almost neglectable.

"height and family, etc."

Height and heightpill?
Height and blackpillism?
Height and obsessive thoughts?
Height and inferiority complex.
Telling you the truth.

"There are def countless studies that can corroborate my viewpoint"

Show me!

"The more intelligent a man/woman is,
the higher possibility there is that he or she
can find a hot girl/man"

 What a flaw. In fact the more intelligent people do not marry to very hot ones.
They value other things like personality, common views, etc.
Some even totally avoid the hot Stacies or Slayers,
because they don't want to have problems with such an attractive person.

 The problems are:

 1. You can't make backups on daily basis.
 2. The cheap hosting companies (and not only they) can't provide 100% backups.
 3. The forum doesn't earn enough money to find a better, more expensive hosting company...

There were some more answers that were lost about how Zhang said it's because the love is like a drug but the answers were that the analogy is not correct because there are many other girls there who can be his new "drug".

 Makes sense. It's like a person who is free in some democratic country like Switzerland to complain to some inmate in a North Korean jail that he feels so unfree in his/her Swiss town!
 About concretely the rich people I really feel this way. For example, I have to work around 4 hours to find, wash, cook and serve my food! At the same time, the rich man (or woman) even don't cook by himself or herself! They have their food ready on the table and, on top of that, they even don't wash the dishes! All they do is to sit, to eat and later to shit the food out in the toilets. And, imagine that situation , you're working hard (including heavy, exhausting jobs like lifting heavy bags and repeating one and the same boring English classes!), you're spending hours for washing, peeling, cutting, chopping, boiling/baking, serving your own food and in the middle of this processes some rich friend is searching you to inform you about his or her "first world problem" that, for example, someone didn't like "his hairstyle" or another one thinks that being "a Prettyboy is better than being a Chad"!  :o

 These days one (not very rich, in fact) sent me a group's link about... Christianity!!! I tried to explain him that I can't care less!!! Told him that my main interest now is to earn money online, to find loans for my potential dreamful bank deposits (currently 7%+!!!) and science, sport... But Christianity, "Bro, one man from the other part of the world insulted me online!" or "I am rich but I feel depressed!" is totally crossing the lind of my patience! Mostly because all these are WASTING MY TIME. I am too poor to waste time reading and discussing things that don't make me more rich or at least more strong and more clever.

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