« on: July 18, 2024, 09:40:31 PM »
Zhang on the Omnilogy forum:
"Then how can you ---- explain your sheer infuriation and frustration when you didn't obtain expected responses after your ---- complaints of a crying baby, since you know to be patient and so well how to take the right measures?"
Also Zhang, on QQ chat:
"all in all, not that I do not have empathy from you. I know how hurtful and infurious a person's father priorizes his lover over his own son and it even causes his own son to be poor, ntm requiring you to pay his liability back. Tbh, if I were you, with my weak 'integration'(it's a term of Developmental Psychology), I would probably kill myself. I understand your sufferings, but, again, consoling has its own 'diminishing returns', and I really can't help you."
A person who admits that he would already be "probably" dead (suicide) if he was in my situation because of his weakness wonders why I am infuriated and frustrated when he:
- repeats the the same things even after I am telling him to stop repeating it many times (like his endless complains about this forum)
- posts dirty, obscene, insane, criminal posts, full of lies and/or hallucinations?
To expect someone to be a normal and when this one happens to be totally abnormal (like Zhang), which causes (logically) frustration and anger (especially in my situation, with all my serious life troubles) it is a big surprise? Yes, it is but only for the low EQ-and-IQ incels like him.
But, still, as you all can see, towards you and many of my friends, I do behave friendly, calmly, even with smiles and sense of humor. Just when it comes to such an annoying, repetitive, oversensitive, paranoid, schizophrenic and time consuming incel like the childish insane criminal Zhang Jie, then of course, my behavior is the opposite!