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Messages - MSL

 I don't accept any suggestions from criminal psychocels like him. And as you all know, I blocked him in QQ, in WeChat (a.k.a Weixin) because I can't and don't want to have anything in common with a degraded man like him.

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: July 20, 2024, 07:16:34 PM »
 Да. Да бъде! :) 8)

 17. Projects the own psychological and psychopathological problems, downsides, etc. to others.
 For example, he accuses me for overreacting or inadequate reactions when he is exactly the one who did it:

- someone compliments his new nickname, but he reacts paranoidly that he feels under "surveillance".

 - someone is helping him to realize his inactive gamercel lifestyle is making him less attractive (more fat, less testosterone, less healthy, etc.) after that he starts to lose weight, to gymmaxx, and... he is calling it "parental" attitude and, on top of that, ungratefully criticizes it.

 - someone is trying to give him advise, ideas and so on about his geomaxx (especially after he himself said that he wants to live Xi's China (Xina), but he is getting upset and angry that you're helping him about his planned escape!
 So, he is projecting his inadequate responses to others who react in fact very logically and adequately.

UFO / Re: Sulfur in a Martian rock
« on: July 20, 2024, 04:17:39 PM »
 Good to see. Nothing unexpected but seeing it from another planet makes it sort of unique experience.

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: July 20, 2024, 12:33:12 AM »
 Ами че как? Разбира се. Аз съм от сериозните трейдъри. :D

Other languages / Трейдърски невървеж
« on: July 19, 2024, 04:56:18 PM »


 Отново имаше следната ситуация - добре за фитнеса (здравето; спорта), но недобре за трейдването (финансите; парите). Бутилки от тайландска сода, които бяха успешно продавани досега, вчера бяха отказани за изкупуване като вторични суровини. Преди години в Китай също, в един момент, спряха да изкупуват стъклен амбалаж. Та така. Още едно неудачно трейдване, но пък, като споделих за него тук, поне добавих още съдържание за този блог, както и за форума като цяло. Повече съдържание = (евентуално) повече посещаемост и (потенциално) малко повече приходи.

 Ами явно човекът (или ботът) е тук, за да спами, а не да участва конструктивно в дискусиите.

 Maybe. Just once more. And if, then the solution is coming at once. I even will tell you now what it will look like: the new users (accounts; profiles) to post only after approval, i. e. their posts to be invisible for the audience but to be visible to the admins (and the mods, for example). In this way, the spammers and the psycho-criminalcel have 0 chance to bother, disturb, hurt, jeopardize, insult, lie, spam, flood and so on.

 15. Ambivalence and ambitendency.

 For those who don't know the meaning of these two terms --
"ambitendency" is a tendency to act in opposite ways or directions and "ambivalence" is the state of having mixed feelings or/and contradictory ideas about something or/and someone.

 One good example is described by me here, a few minutes ago:

Zhang on the Omnilogy forum:

"Then how can you ---- explain your sheer infuriation and frustration when you didn't obtain expected responses after your ---- complaints of a crying baby, since you know to be patient and so well how to take the right measures?"

Also Zhang, on QQ chat:

"all in all, not that I do not have empathy from you. I know how hurtful and infurious a person's father priorizes his lover over his own son and it even causes his own son to be poor, ntm requiring you to pay his liability back. Tbh, if I were you, with my weak 'integration'(it's a term of Developmental Psychology), I would probably kill myself. I understand your sufferings, but, again, consoling has its own 'diminishing returns', and I really can't help you."


 A person who admits that he would already be "probably" dead (suicide) if he was in my situation because of his weakness wonders why I am infuriated and frustrated when he:

 - repeats the the same things even after I am telling him to stop repeating it many times (like his endless complains about this forum)
 - posts dirty, obscene, insane, criminal posts, full of lies and/or hallucinations?
 To expect someone to be a normal and when this one happens to be totally abnormal (like Zhang), which causes (logically) frustration and anger (especially in my situation, with all my serious life troubles) it is a big surprise? Yes, it is but only for the low EQ-and-IQ incels like him.
 But, still, as you all can see, towards you and many of my friends, I do behave friendly, calmly, even with smiles and sense of humor. Just when it comes to such an annoying, repetitive, oversensitive, paranoid, schizophrenic and time consuming incel like the childish insane criminal Zhang Jie, then of course, my behavior is the opposite!

Philosophy / About the "N word"
« on: July 18, 2024, 04:41:32 PM »

N word

  A short opinion of mine, posted already in another website:

 Some countries even use it in their names like Niger and Nigeria. In some foreign languages a similar word is used to call the Black race in this way BUT without any bad meaning (it's perceived as a neutral or even positive and exotic, up to beautiful meaning). More than that, people in those places sometimes think that calling you just "black", "yellow", "white" is disrespectful.
Just making it clear that the word isn't so terrible abroad. Best wishes to all good African and Afro-american people. 🖤🍀

Other languages / Ъпдейтче
« on: July 18, 2024, 12:35:59 AM »


 Думата ъпдейтче е умалително на "ъпдейт".

网上赚钱 / Re: 代发文章要小心甄别
« on: July 17, 2024, 06:19:16 PM »

 Well, we may expect some new penetration from him (as you know, he is a bit slow, not very intelligent and not very innovative but he evolves slowly). Let's say he can create a brand new email, he can use a new IP and he can create "unsuspicious" nickname which will make it difficult to impossible to catch him on sight. But don't worry. I have got a solution about it too.
 I am not going to waste time now, to describe my solution in details, because I am not sure if he really can achieve that level (new type of email, nickname and IP) because he is not a high IQcel at all but let's wait and see. Just, don't worry, I will give you the solution as soon as this possible penetration happens.

Other languages / Re: Трейдърски блог
« on: July 17, 2024, 05:54:19 PM »
 Обилни валежи затрудняват трейдърлъка. Малко ъпдейтче, просто да дам, за интересуващите се. :)

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