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Other languages / Шорт (шортове)
« on: August 25, 2024, 04:22:58 AM »


 Тази дума няма общо с шортите (късите гащета), ако не броим, че произлизат и двете от английското "short", което значи "къс" ("къса", "късо", "къси"). Шорт означава късо видео (обикновено с дължина/продължителност под 1 минута). В множествено число се употребява "шортове".
 Членувани форми: шорта, шортът, шортовете.

 Well, I found some time to comment his psychotic accusation. He can say that there are 90% errors or even 100% errors but he didn't provide even one proof (example) about it which just makes it one of his many lies and/or hallucinations.
 A person who thought that I am a native English speaker (American) + a person who bet me to use English (instead of Chinese) in QQ (because he wanted to improve his English for free, in this selfish way) + a person who doesn't know the existence of simple English words/expressions like "orangeish", "brownish" and "epic fall" + a hallucinator and liar who doesn't care about (and can't control) his sentences online... Who in his right mind will choose to believe him?
 Let him hallucinate that there are even 350% errors. Who cares about a crazy, criminal, low IQist incel from Shanghai?! He is a problem of his parents and of the Chinese society, not exactly our problem.

学习英语 / Perfection
« on: August 18, 2024, 01:54:42 AM »
刚才的:Word similar to deadbeat?
Learn why
What's the definition of deadbeat?
an idle, feckless, or disreputable person.
How is loafer similar?
The word loafer means a person who idles time away.
How is lager different?
The word lager means a kind of beer, effervescent and light in color and body.
Which image fits the word designer?
Learn why
What's the definition of designer?
a person who plans the form, look, or workings of something before its being made or built, typically by drawing it in detail.
For example: "he's one of the world's leading car designers"
Word similar to explore?
Learn why
What's the definition of explore?
travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
For example: "the best way to explore Iceland's northwest"
How is tour similar?
The word tour means make a tour of (an area).
For example: "he decided to tour France"
How is pour different?
The word pour means (especially of a liquid) flow rapidly in a steady stream.
For example: "water poured off the roof"
Word similar to file?
Learn why
What's the definition of file?
a line of people or things one behind another.
For example: "Plains Cree warriors riding in file down the slopes"
How is column similar?
The word column means one or more lines of people or vehicles moving in the same direction.
For example: "a column of tanks moved northwest"
How is colleague different?
The word colleague means a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.
Word similar to fear?
Learn why
What's the definition of fear?
be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.
For example: "he said he didn't care about life so why should he fear death?"
How is dread similar?
The word dread means anticipate with great apprehension or fear.
For example: "Jane was dreading the party"
How is spread different?
The word spread means open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length.
For example: "I spread a towel on the sand and sat down"
我的结果是:5/5. Perfection的。 8)

 32. Ageism. Often criticizes, attacks others based on/about their older age (for his moralless and sadistic attitude full of lowIQism this is a sort of "argument" that someone is wrong or less capable, knowledgeable, etc.) Needless to say that here nobody attacked him based on his short height, age or something like that (things that a person can't choose and almost can't control: you can't choose traits as being old or young, being short or tall, being white or non-white; yellow or non-yellow, black or non-black)...)
 He feels sort of proud being younger than many others (despite of the fact that his body and health are worse than those of many elder people.)

Other languages / "Лордея се"
« on: August 17, 2024, 02:26:05 AM »


  Лордея (се) е глагол, който въвежда лорд Евгени Минчев като казва, че се гордее (лордее) в едно интервю относно президента Румен Радев и Дженифър идеологията. Ето и по-конкретно, в едно видео:


 Неологизмът е съставен от "лорд" + "гордея се".  :)

 Tell me what's the next to be commented here because I don't want to read the crazycel's lowIQisms and hallucinations in all those screenshots.

 Good news. If the continue successfully, soon we will have a new energy (heat) source. 8)

 About the tea. Well, it was one of the most disappointing moments, if we are talking about my expectations towards him (that he is a normal adult, with normal, minimal, basic skills). When I told him to drink green tea (for his diet-maxx and gym-maxx) he asked me if I mean those bottled Chinese iced teas (full of sugar). Oh, my god!
 1. How a person with a minimum average IQ may think that "green tea" (for heatlh-maxx, diet-maxx and gym-maxx) drink equals/means "bottled, sugar containing iced tea"?!
 2. How a person who is living (at that time) in a village is not capable to boil tea?! A Chinese person! (You know, the tea originates from China.) An adult!
 And, at the end, I suggested him to buy, at least, some bottled but sugar free ice tea like ”东方树叶“ ice tea (It was my favorite bottled tea in China.)
 Also, I made a video for people with low IQ and skillless like him about how to make homemade tea (how to boil tea at home)! Here -- https://youtu.be/EsF1FYUUIL4
 And instead of realizing how pathetic and how pity is that he didn't learn a simple useful skill, he is thinking that it is funny and "very smart" to type on YT that a teacher may teach the students how to make own, homemade tea (implying that it's useless). A low IQist, a sadist, etc., in a word, a truecel.

Other languages / Лепенки
« on: August 13, 2024, 05:33:34 AM »


 Основно раздавам лепенки (стикери) на деца.  :) Има, обаче, спорадично и други малки добрини, та като (когато) имам повече време, тогава ще ви осведомя. ;)

Philosophy / The mental health of Jesus
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:07:20 AM »

The mental health of Jesus

 Good article, indeed. I was thinking about it years ago too. It has to be debated and observed.
 A link to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_health_of_Jesus

 He is changing his nicknames like crazy (why "like"? :D) Those 10 mentined above are nothing compred with the all nicknames he used and uses online (including in this forum; there were more than those ten).
 For example, now in QQ he is "追求荣誉的萨幕莱" and "追求荣誉的武士"
(the meanings are: "A seeking for honor samurai", "A seeking for honor warrior"🤣 :D)
 Zhang Jie (the criminalcel and mentalcel from Shanghai) and... "honor", "samurai"?! No way! He has nothing to do with that historical Japanese class. He better call himself another class title. The closets to his present social, mental, psychopathological and criminal status is hinin (非人 (ひにん)). It was an outcast group in ancient Japan, especially the kakae-hinin (抱非人(かかえひにん)) that includes the suicidal people, little thieves and others. All of them, way better than him but it's because there is no worse than him in the Japanese history (and in the world's history too), but still, at least semantically the "非人" suits him very well.

 After this post (where I explained some of Zhang Jie's English language problems) http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-update-about-zhang-jie-from-shanghai-insanity-and-criminal-acts/msg53714/#msg53714 , I will continue with some more advanced English (advanced to his level). The pity little crimecel-psychoticel has no idea that there is expression "epic fall" too. We are not talking only about the fall (autumn) in AE (American English). We are talking about that contextual "epic fall" (instead of "epic fail"). The epic fall is like an ultimate epic fail, it's a metaphor. An example how the native English speakers use "epic fall": https://www.quora.com/Is-Donald-Trump-setting-himself-up-for-an-epic-fall-from-grace-potentially-losing-everything-that-is-important-to-him

(The lowIQcel may think that he taught us about the existence of Quora. :D You know his lame logic already ("If I say a word and say it later, you definitely learned it from me."🤣 ;D :D) But for his information, I have a Quora account since the time when he was in the primary school.)

 So, as you see, the "epic fall" construct is legit.

 2. Well, because he can't get it; highly likely all these metaphor and native English speakers' posts are not easy for his problematic brain, I will use a simpler example which may help him to start understanding at least the basic meaning (the pre-metaphoric meaning) of the "epic fall": here, "Emmy's Epic Fall" -- https://www.amazon.com/Emmys-Epic-Fall-Mary-Rasamny/dp/1697636462

 Because he likes and understands kindergarten level materials, this one may be good enough for him.

Other topics / Students and teachers
« on: August 08, 2024, 05:18:26 AM »

About the students and the teachers

 One about the students and the teachers: "Students are learning, teachers are teaching."
 (Based on this new video: https://youtu.be/3-kKz0dRKbs?si=41my9dVs0qWg-v7s )

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