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Messages - MSL

 Ha-ha! :D The low IQcel isn't able to make a difference between a clock and a countdown timer; can't recognize an ad, thinking that a "Tiger" beer's slogan is an actual tiger fight gambling show and... we are hoping him to know that the anacondas aren't venomous snakes?!  :D No way.
 And about his another new hallucination (that Desi is using idiotic language like "Kill yourself or run over your own mother with a car!") I don't want to comment because it's a total waste of time. The best I can do at the moment is to share this in that topic about the list of his (many) hallucinations. He is just so deluted and so low IQed that he couldn't find understand even a half of the Good incel's post and responded him rudely, hallucinating and threatening with "poisonous" anacondas... Hopeless low educated, criminally behaving and full of mental disorders bad looking losercel.

Other languages / Трейдване с бидонче
« on: July 29, 2024, 12:08:37 AM »


 Трейднах едно бидонче за вода. Изкарах колкото за половин хляб. Слаба търговийка. Обаче, знайно е: "кой ти го дава?" 🍞 ;D
 Върви си трейдването. Тези дни, вероятно, пак. :) 8)

 Most of us are working people (self-employed or not) and we can't make lists so fast as we wish. Nonetheless, the idea is good. We can complete one gradually.
 For now, people and the respected, responsible authorities may use this list where everything is stated based on his own posts, chats, messages.

One of the shortest about psychotic incels (psychoticels) like him:

He knows what's real and what's not. :D ROFL 😂 🤣 😁😅

(Based on a real case, i. e. the crimecel-psychoticel Zhang Jie's hallucination about Desi and her father. For the people who care more about the exact psychology and psychopathology, and would ask, "How you know it's not just a lie? He already establishes himself as a liar." I'll point to this very interesting and important detail: he typed "Yeah I remember..." (in his chitchat style "rmr" means "remember"; he just thinks that using sms style English, repeating "f*king" in almost every sentence and using some wrong words like "helluva" (= "hell of a"), "muh" (= "my"), etc., make him sound more skillful in English which is another joke because his English is, euphemistically speaking, not very good.) This, if he just posted the false info about the female philosopher Desi, you could doubt if it's a new lie of the liar or not but if he stated so affirmatively with yeah (yes) + I rmr (I remember), you bet it's a hallucination. (Yes, I'd add for the ethics and moral learners, this doesn't makes his false info information, false accusation of Desi's father being related to incest and pedophilia, a less harmful, less lawful, less criminal. But this makes it to be understood, based on an educated guess, as a product of a psychocel, not just a normal/ordinary liar.)

 Of course, the pitiful loser Zhang Jie from Shanghai (a criminalcel and a psychopathological incel) is hallucinating about me being a jigolo or something. But is there some "rational" even a little reason, base for such a conclusion? Probably there is (there are):

a) the low levels of testosterone,

b) his bisexual traits (noticed already earlier when it came to his behaviour and physical appearance and explained in another post),

c) his admiration and jealousy (his well known ambivalence) at the same time about my body and looks,

d) his inceldom (and social loneliness) that makes him to dream for at least a male hug or more, if there is no female (as he informed us in this forum, even his own mother doesn't born him because she wanted them have a loving kid but just because she "has to born" somebody; it's highly likely that even she is not hugging or kissing him) and... as a result, the damaged emotionally, educationally, morally, politically and so on, Zhangcel starts to imagine, to dream, to hallucinate even about some well developed, attractive, smart and strong man like me to give him love, support, hugs and maybe more. And then... when the person like me refuses to deal with him, after the understanding that Zhang Jie is a total trashy human (calling for violence with guns, poisoning, supporting the present neonazism and neoimperialism, etc.), the pitiful hater starts to speak/post that even the cheaters are way better, the bullying him blackpillers are way better than us...
 Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will see the next of his latest posts and answer again because I haven't any time now to waste for commenting mentally disordered little criminals.

Social network | SEO - Social network / Almost 11000
« on: July 27, 2024, 10:25:59 PM »
 Almost 11000 already:
Most Online Today: 10904. Most Online Ever: 10904 (Today at 10:16:26 PM)
We are going to be one of the top websites in the world.

Social network | SEO - Social network / And now 10848
« on: July 27, 2024, 09:54:50 PM »


 The next new record is here: 10848! 8) 8) 8)

 Of course. I went to earn some money via recycling business:

 1. ,

 2. Took an unique video with a birdie, local girl and a present for her:

 3. Had a healthy lunch (corns, quail eggs, etc.)

 4. Then started to use my new handgrips. (At the same time doing sports and making a new video for more fun and money.) Here we go:

 5. Now it's time for my shopping (garlic, onion and other vegetables), later I will buy some hygienic materials.

 6. Then cooking a healthy dinner (vegetables, eggs and a few little sausages).

 7. Sports again.

 And then, after I learn some new foreign language words, more science and read the news, MAYBE I will spend some minutes to answer 1-2 Zhang's debilisms, hallucinations, lies... This is it. If I only answer him it will be harmful for my:

 - earnings
 - sports, CrossFit, health
 - communication with others
 - learning,

 and at the end of the day I will look and be a loser like him (bad body shape, working under a boss without freedom, less educated and less informed, etc.)

Yeah... Even NATO-Russia tensions above the Black sea region near the occupied Crimea.

 Разбира се. Иначе щяхме ли да губим толкова време с хора като психичноболния престъпник от Китай (Джанг Дзие от Шанхай), че да ги редактираме, трием, банваме и пр.?

 These days I will answer him as usual because now no time for his debilism, lies, insults, hallucinatory products, criminal speech and the rest of the insanity of the little ridiculous mentally destructed criminalcel Zhang Jie from Shanghai.

Social network | SEO - Social network / 💯👍
« on: July 27, 2024, 12:27:02 AM »
Doing great! 💯 👍

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