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Other topics / Some inviter
« on: June 13, 2023, 07:50:33 PM »
Some kind of inviter (somebody who invites you to join their groups):

"2:32:26 PM
我也是海口地区的 聊聊
朋友🐅 2:32:48 PM
1只斥鶴 2:33:34 PM
1只斥鶴 2:33:38 PM
1只斥鶴 2:33:49 PM
朋友🐅 2:33:54 PM
What do you mean by that?
1只斥鶴 2:34:00 PM
朋友🐅 2:34:13 PM
I don't know what you mean.
朋友🐅 2:34:20 PM
朋友🐅 2:35:36 PM
朋友🐅 2:36:17 PM

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 07:47:52 PM »

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: June 13, 2023, 07:13:16 PM »
It was an ad about Turkey (Türkiye) in Chinese.

 Ей! След над година чакане! След над 1 година и няколко месеца чакане, най-сетне изтъргувахме на сметка и австралийските долари! Най-после! Малката придобивка се равнява на само 2,60 юана (което по курса на деня е 0,66 лева, т. е. само 66 стотинки), но поне е на печалба! 8)
 100% завършен цикъл на търговията с няколко валути! Всичките на печалба (по-голяма или по-малка, но стопроцентова печалба, никакви загуби)!
 Та, засега вече стопираме търговията с валути, защото има да се търгува апартамент, както и разни по-дребни неща - шкаф, стол, различни железа... по-натам, с цел доразвитие на този уникален трейдърски блог ;D, ще пиша и конкретно за въпросните специфични трейдвания (търговийки). Съдържание да има! (Знаете, може би, че то е царя (или "то е краля", според превода).)  :D

you gotta get a therapy to get medications for your awful mental state.

Only if you're psychotic. Don't ruin your health with medicines (many of them full of side effects) just because you have some hypodepression (低抑郁, 抑郁症, 轻性抑郁症). There are many other therapeutic ways, including sports therapy, work therapy (工作疗法) and so on, which may prevent you ruining your young body with medicines.

It contains multiple sessions and there are feedbacks per session for a therapist to analyze to recover your mental state.

 The psychotherapies are a way better way (when the psychotherapist isn't some medicine oriented who is just planning how to sell you medicines) but you have to be lucky to find a really good one. Otherwise your situation may get worse or, in a better case, to lose any hope about the psychotherapy.

Don't you find it ridiculous to do something just because of a man/woman's word?

 Depends on who is that man/woman. If it's just another Chad or just another Becky, okay, you may ignore them but what if this is your idol, your one-it-is, your best teacher (tutor) who you do respect a lot? Or what if, in the reality this is the case, this is the majority of the females you like? Look, you may live for yourself if you're not living in a society or you're able to be self-sufficient, let's say -- a volcel. Cool. But if you can't and you don't want to? Then, well, you have to adapt yourself more or less to the desires, expectations of the majority of those who you like. They prefer richer, fitter (body wise), educated (for example)... then you should, at least, give it a try! Especially if the thing (for example, the money, the muscles, the knowledge) is good for you! Do you understand? If they like something that is good for you too (for example to be richer and to be stronger), then you 100% have the sense to do your best. But if they're some crazy or degraded people who want you to be something bad (like a gangster), you don't need blindly to obey (to follow) their tastes!

As for how to live yourself, well IMO if you are doing what you like to do, you can say you are living for yourself. Some shortcels seem to me they are so obsessed over their heights that they've forgotten they should live for themselves.

Easy to say if you have granted income (like rich parents). What if you're one of those who even since the childhood have to go to work in some factory or on the field? How you're doing what you like to do if you're working at least 8 hours some heavy and/or stressful job and when you're back home you have to deal with washing clothes, some cooking, taking a shower... and then you feel so tired that you even can't do your hobby (like running or even just playing a PC game)?

Most of the people are so dependable of their jobs and duties that they just can't do what they like to do. Usually the thing you like to do, isn't profitable. For example, you like reading books and nobody pays you for this, moreover you have to pay for the books.

 I hope you know what's to be poor and to be a working poor? Like you work 22 days or more in a months and your salary is enough just to pay your utilities bills, some food, some clothes and... maybe to go to a bar once or to visit a cinema...

I can name of a handful of things that are worse than being short. So you are 'luckier' than those who are suffering from worse things. Can't being luckier make you feel good?

 Good point but it is good to be continued with "And once you're luckier, start to compensate your shortness with other good traits like build a better body, a better health, try a new major, new income, upgrade, maxx everything you can."

Learn that, if not only are you short but also you are negative, women will not only reject you as their boyfriends but also they will reject you as 'friends', and even no men will accept you as a friend because your inferior complexity can only make them feel pale. So you can see being negative will not only be detrimental on your mental state but also make you isolated.

 That's right. 2 bad traits > 1 bad trait.

Learn that there are many things that do not require height. Learning Math, playing League of Legend, being on reddit, etc.

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o What a good conclusion with such lame examples. ;D Okay, learning math (sort of edu-maxx) may be accepted as a good one, but instead giving them good idea how to compensate their shortness (build muscles, search for higher earnings, look for a place with shorter females -- gymmaxx, moneymaxx, geomaxx), you're teaching them how to enjoy being gamers or wasting time on a website which doesn't pay them anything? What's the result after many years of watching a screen sitting down (playing game or reading something on a website)? I'll tell you what: you'll be still short + you'll have problems with your health (eyes, waist, abnormal weight maybe... all these "benefits" of the sedentary lifestyle (久坐的生活方式).)
 Please, for your own sake, if you're a shortcel, realize that you're already in enough bad situation to afford the luxury of being a gamer, wasting time on websites that do not pay you anything or everything else related to the sedentary lifestyle! You need to focus on your better health and better body first and then compensate more with status, money, etc.! Do it until it's not too late.

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 06:54:15 AM »

Other topics / One from Guangxi who used Traditional Chinese
« on: June 13, 2023, 06:52:38 AM »
A strange chat with one from Guangxi who used Traditional Chinese characters which I can't read (mostly).

 11:31:37 PM
累累的爱情 11:32:44 PM
外国哥哥 11:33:00 PM
外国哥哥 11:33:07 PM
外国哥哥 11:33:59 PM
外国哥哥 11:37:51 PM
 ? 不认识吧?
外国哥哥 11:56:57 PM
外国哥哥 11:57:43 PM
外国哥哥 12:06:48 AM
累累的爱情 6:37:26 AM
外国哥哥 12:08:57 PM
早上的时候,这么早 ,我肯定不在。
外国哥哥 12:09:06 PM
外国哥哥 12:09:20 PM
外国哥哥 12:28:43 PM
外国哥哥 12:30:14 PM
累累的爱情 12:53:37 PM
外国哥哥 12:54:54 PM

累累的爱情 12:55:16 PM
外国哥哥 12:55:28 PM
外国哥哥 12:55:38 PM
累累的爱情 12:57:36 PM
外国哥哥 12:57:50 PM
累累的爱情 12:59:04 PM
外国哥哥 1:00:06 PM
累累的爱情 1:01:12 PM
累累的爱情 1:01:34 PM
外国哥哥 1:01:36 PM
外国哥哥 1:01:50 PM
外国哥哥 1:01:59 PM
累累的爱情 1:01:59 PM
累累的爱情 1:02:06 PM
累累的爱情 1:02:22 PM
外国哥哥 1:02:24 PM
外国哥哥 1:02:37 PM
累累的爱情 1:04:12 PM
外国哥哥 1:04:33 PM
累累的爱情 1:04:46 PM
外国哥哥 1:04:53 PM
累累的爱情 1:05:09 PM
外国哥哥 1:05:24 PM
外国哥哥 1:05:46 PM
累累的爱情 1:06:04 PM

It was really not clear why this person added me... ;D

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 06:33:49 AM »

 It's really good to make clear that we're not haters or discriminators. I often underline these things that, for example, I may dislike the current Japanese government but I don't hate Japanese people (I even like many of the Japanese and their stuff) or that if I am not a fan of the homosexuals it doesn't mean that I am a homophobe, etc. So, I do appreciate how well you make it clear that having an opinion about some group of people doesn't imply that you're discriminating them or willing to hurt their feelings!
 Well, now concretely about the important points:

 1. "unmatured" -- this is so common among people that you name a group and there will be someone who'll show you a lot, a lot of unmatured people there -- vegans, feminists, incels, communists, democrats... no matter what, there are and there will be a part (sometimes a bigger part) that you can call "unmatured".
 So, it's just not specific to the shorties.
 2.  "apathetic, extremely depressed & depressing" -- that's already specific but it's specific for every group (as was mentioned above already) of people who're dealing with some problem (and especially with a problem that hasn't easy solution like being disabled, being too short/too tall, being very poor, etc.)
 3. "shortcels are prone to overestimating the benefits of being tall"
 Often. And not only this type of incels:

  • many of the ethnicels think that JBW (just be white) is enough; they even don't believe that mayocels (white incels) do exist.
  • many of the baldcels think that if they have the hair and everything will be fine (which is true only if they're just baldcels but when you add that some are also fatcels, poorcels, oldcels, etc., the picture isn't optimistic at all.)
  • many of the poorcels think that if they just money-maxx and the girls are flooding them. Well, partly true, but if you're just rich and you're disgusting in many other ways, the best you'll do is beta-buxxing.
  • many of the oldcels overestimate the youth.
  • many of the slimcels, framecels, etc., overestimate the gymmaxx and when they get gymmaxxed and still no girls, they wonder how is that possible. They just don't see their other problems (for example they have to add some style, some money, some knowledge, some status...)
So, I think it's normal when you have a big problem to think that once it's gone, there will be happiness and all done. But the reality isn't that simple.
 I'd like to add this little example: Most of the Chinese people are not xenophobic (we're not talking about the political course here). Maybe 80% will never say they hate foreigners or they love foreigners; maybe 15% will say they adore foreigners and maybe just 5% of all the Chinese population will be like "I hate them!"
 And here comes the example.  :) There are those funny, ridiculous Chinese uncles, young lads and some women who're really thinking that all the problems of Chinese are because of the foreigners and, if there are no foreigners in China, everything will be better.  ;D So simple, huh? Or those ones (Chinese and non-Chinese) who would say that "If Japan/Russia/Israel/you-name-it doesn't exist, everything is going to be okay!"

 So, in a word, people often tend to overestimated a problem and to underestimate (or even not to notice) the rest of the problems.

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 05:42:55 AM »

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 02:21:36 AM »

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: June 13, 2023, 01:51:25 AM »

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: June 13, 2023, 01:29:20 AM »
This one I am seeing for the first time:
Unmatched Shipping Rates
Unbeatable Combination of Software and Delivery Network for
Cost-Effective Fulfillment

Other languages / Охлюви
« on: June 13, 2023, 01:28:11 AM »
 Тези дни валя, но и бързо изсъхват пътищата, и охлюви, които излизат се оказват по средата на доста сухи места. Та помогнах на 2 охлюва да се хидратират малко (полях ги с малко вода), защото иначе умират бързо.

 Ех, само 2 юана не достигнаха днес, че да се продаде на сметка (говоря за търговията с австралийските долари). Като казвам "на сметка", имам предвид да не се загуби нито едно мао, т. е, дори печалба от едно мао или две маота ме устройва, за да завършим на плюс всичко изтрейднато досега. 8) Утре, предполагам, ще ни огрее. 8) 8)

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