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Messages - MSL

 Don't. There are plenty of soft-maxxes that will help you to become your better self.

 Send it to more math professionals and see what they will say. Wish you are right.

 I am busy with my new business in SEA now but I'd like to read and comment all when I am more free. For now, I'll just add this: the Metapill is the key, the Blackpill is the trouble (if you only rely on it, otherwise some content, especially the scientific parts of it, may be useful for the objective Metapill theory which I began years ago.)

 The problem is that many people (Chinese and non-Chinese) continue to think that there is something like CCP. It's already over and it's controlled by the neo-emperor (Xi Jinping) who is ruling the country by himself, in a neofeudal way. CCP is a history. Now it's a tool of the dictator. Like an army where there is only one general who controls everyone and everything and the soldiers, lieutenants, captains, officers, etc. have no right to oppose him, just listen and obey. CCP isn't real anymore. It's still C (Chinese) but not CP (Communist and Party). It's just like a mafia which boss controls all. The real parties are much different. The real communism (socialism) too.

Other topics / Re: HELLO!
« on: September 23, 2023, 03:14:13 PM »
 I suppose not very good, but I am wishing you good luck!

Other topics / Re: HELLO!
« on: September 10, 2023, 03:24:01 AM »
 Yes. And how are you doing now?

Eastern things / Re: Almost got robbed in Phnom Penh
« on: September 02, 2023, 06:28:56 PM »
An answer to "ozlanderz":
 Of course, "dangerous" is relative and the degree of danger is not the same here and there, and, as I mentioned, most of the Cambodians are nice or at least okay people. I am talking about a concrete area in Phnom Penh, which is the Cambodia's capital, comparing this area with the rest in this concrete city. Of course, there are more dangerous places around the world, but it's not the point.

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: August 31, 2023, 04:05:19 AM »
 Some ad with fighting (animated) guys... But then it disappeared because
This ad used too many resources for your device, so Chrome removed it.

EARN MONEY / Re: clubdelguadagno.club legit or not
« on: August 31, 2023, 04:00:48 AM »
 Spent a lot of time to watch its ad and to watch the video in the website in question (mentioned above) just to hear that it's not for free and that she wants $ 37 for it. So, I just don't want to risk any of my money (I have a plan to invest in a little restaurant in South-East Asia), so didn't try it and have no idea if it's working well or not.

Eastern things / Re: Almost got robbed in Phnom Penh
« on: August 30, 2023, 11:58:36 PM »
An answer to "Bolbolebo": I don't know if you are a very young person or someone who isn't educated well about the health problems and medicine, but the mentioned danger of getting infected from somebody's dirty mouth (teeth, saliva) isn't a nonsense.
 I will show you the these two scientific links which will upgrade your medical culture: Infected wounds of the knuckles caused by hitting the teeth during fist fights: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7147384/

Read this one too:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25538130/. Remember!
Because of specific characteristics of hand anatomy, bite mechanics, and organisms found in human and animal saliva, even small wounds can lead to aggressive infections. Failure to recognize and treat hand bites can result in significant morbidity.
Now you know.

Eastern things / Re: Almost got robbed in Phnom Penh
« on: August 29, 2023, 11:17:39 PM »
 An answer to "Standard-Care-1001":
There isn't any other side of the story and it's a pretty simple story (incident) to be multi-sided.
 As an educated person, who is dealing with writing books, poems, trying to develop own legal business and training different sports plus avoiding hard alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, etc. I am not making contacts with "bad ones", and I am doing my best to communicate only with well-mannered people. The thing is that when you're in a capital of a country, with millions of people, you may meet some bad ones. And then comes all what I am talking about: be fit, be smart, don't try to be a superhero, know how to protect yourself. The goal isn't to lose or to win, it's to survive!
 And yes, scroll up to see my expert certificate, don't doubt it.

Eastern things / Re: Almost got robbed in Phnom Penh
« on: August 29, 2023, 10:17:24 PM »
 An answer to "IcanFLYtoHELL":
 He didn't understand what I wrote about. It was a very friendly and relaxing chat with a nice Japanese guy and two local girls hanging around. We were chatting about languages, Japanese culture, and the Martial arts topic, was just around 2% of the whole time of the conversation.
 I don't advise people, including YouTubers, to risk their health in these way. My goal is to show them how to be more careful, awared, fit, skillful and prepared, learning from my bitter experience. But not everyone understands well this and some are waisting their time in critical baseless posts instead of learning and training hard.

Eastern things / Re: Almost got robbed in Phnom Penh
« on: August 29, 2023, 03:17:42 PM »
 Yes I will answer to some comments...

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for the comments! Some of them were good, others, well, not that good... Some people are just lacking knowledge, education, experience, but step by step, everyone may learn and know better. I am here to help:
 1. An answer to "IAmFitzRoy":
 There is no another side of the story, I am really telling the truth and here are my certificates and diploma, to prove that I was able to learn philosophy and sports (I spent my life learning and improving, so I got more certificates than the average person, not everyone is one-sided, some people are more encyclopedian (for the definition see here: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/encyclopedian) than the average ones):




 There is nothing weird in my comments about the martial arts. There are even not many so-called comments about it. You didn't read and/or didn't remember carefully the part where I said we talked with the Japanese guy about the language, culture, martial arts... What's so weird?

 Now is clear, right? Philosophy (Master's degree), self-defense (Expert level), yoga (Expert level) and aerobics (basic level)

 I strongly disagree that all those robbed and had other problems people were looking for trouble. Maybe some of them does, but usually people go there to relax, eat, do sports. The criminals just target them as victims. And how having a friendly chat with a nice Japanese guy and two local girls during sport exercising is "looking for trouble" if you are in a normal area?!

 Yes, maybe that place isn't as dangerous as others in the West, Africa, South America, etc. The point was that it's one of the very dangerous areas in Phnom Penh. And I am trying to make more people know it and avoid it.

 Foolishly? Well, as I said it was just a friendly conversation during some sports routine... In my opinion it's more foolish to run every day in that area which is full of, as you admit, different types of criminal activity (you even mentioned there are drugs!!!)... and you still going to run exactly there every day?! Not wise.

Eastern things / Avoided successfully another danger
« on: August 27, 2023, 11:48:44 PM »
 As I said already most of the Cambodians I meet everyday are good people and there are no complains. But there are those terrible ones which you should know about and do your best to survive!
 Here comes another real story:I avoided successfully another danger next to the river in Phnom Penh. There was a Japanese guy talking with two local girls during doing his sports exercises and because I am a sporty person too, joined them, had some friendly chat about Japanese culture, language and when it came to the martial arts, suddenly a local thug appeared and approached me closely. As a self-defense expert, I asked him what he wants keeping a reasonable distance, he said he wants to fight using the traditional Khmer martial art. Knowing stories about people robbed with knives by gang groups exactly in that area, I decided that maybe it's a trap and because the thug was dirty and bigger than me, l thought that even a fair fight may be dangerous (some infection from his teeth for example), so I refused him the fight offer and moved back to the sports tools next to the Japanese guy and those two girls. The thug followed me there insisting to have the fight. Then I refused again and already faster stepped aside, he continued to chase me, I started to run, keeping an eye on him. At the same time one of the girls shout to me to go away as soon as possible and at to that time he started to run faster after me, when I saw he is close to me and maybe enough close to reach me, I slowed down and shouted very loudly, which made him to stop chasing me and then I moved to the opposite side of the street safely. As a self-defense expert I know my lesson: the goal outside there is to come home safe, not to prove that you're stronger than the thugs. Especially in areas like that where they're usually several thugs together with knives and other weapons!

 New conclusions:

 1. As you see being in a good shape helps. If I wasn't fast enough, he could easily catch me, but my fast reflexes and strong feet helped me to avoid all his approaching, chasing, etc. I didn't get hit, kicked, grabbed, catched, etc.
 2. Knowing when to stop just running and to use some offensive tricks (like raising your voice, readiness to block and hit back, etc.) also is life saving.

 3. Back to the value of the knowledge. If I didn't know all those terrible riverside stories, maybe I will be like "Well, let's spar, man!" thinking of him as a normal Khmer person who just loves martial arts, and getting stabbed  or worse. But the info made me ready to expect someone like him and to be ready for a successful escape like the one demonstrated above.

 Now all those non-sporty, lazy people who just jealous that I have better shape, survival skills, knowledge and education, probably will make silly comments like I am narcissistic or full of myself, or even worse words. But it only shows that they can understand that I am writing this to teach them being healthier, better looking and safer. They should try to realize that I am doing this altruistically!

Eastern things / The best pizzas I ate in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
« on: August 27, 2023, 07:09:21 PM »

Pizza 🍕

 I don't eat pizzas often, but when I saw Romano restaurant I felt that it is like an authentic Italian restaurant (the tables, the style, you know). So I gave it a try and, surely, the pizzas there were amazingly tasty and 100% Italian. That's why I went there again and again.
 Some photos:


. 🍕 🍕 🍕

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