Yes I will answer to some comments...
Hello everyone! Thank you very much for the comments! Some of them were good, others, well, not that good... Some people are just lacking knowledge, education, experience, but step by step, everyone may learn and know better. I am here to help:
1. An answer to "IAmFitzRoy":
There is no another side of the story, I am really telling the truth and here are my certificates and diploma, to prove that I was able to learn philosophy and sports (I spent my life learning and improving, so I got more certificates than the average person, not everyone is one-sided, some people are more encyclopedian (for the definition see here: than the average ones):

There is nothing weird in my comments about the martial arts. There are even not many so-called comments about it. You didn't read and/or didn't remember carefully the part where I said we talked with the Japanese guy about the language, culture, martial arts... What's so weird?
Now is clear, right? Philosophy (Master's degree), self-defense (Expert level), yoga (Expert level) and aerobics (basic level)
I strongly disagree that all those robbed and had other problems people were looking for trouble. Maybe some of them does, but usually people go there to relax, eat, do sports. The criminals just target them as victims. And how having a friendly chat with a nice Japanese guy and two local girls during sport exercising is "looking for trouble" if you are in a normal area?!
Yes, maybe that place isn't as dangerous as others in the West, Africa, South America, etc. The point was that it's one of the very dangerous areas in Phnom Penh. And I am trying to make more people know it and avoid it.
Foolishly? Well, as I said it was just a friendly conversation during some sports routine... In my opinion it's more foolish to run every day in that area which is full of, as you admit, different types of criminal activity (you even mentioned there are drugs!!!)... and you still going to run exactly there every day?! Not wise.