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Messages - MSL

Happy birthday to you!
Nobody's better than you!
Happy birthday, dear Smoothie! I'm rooting for you!

You'll be happy, I know.
Your good luck soon will grow.
Happy birthday, my best friend!
And, you bet, there'll be more!

 :) :) :)

Lyrics: Geser Kurultaev.

 Thanks a lot for the support of all of you who wanted to and/or really helped me to resend the smartwatch present to her!  8) It successfullly arrived to her commnity yesterday! Yay!!!😊  I hope she is going to make good use of it: to study better, to keep in touch with the people she values and, the most imprtant, to have a happier life in the present collapsing Xina (Xi's neo-feudal China)...
 I wish three years later she to be able to go study abroad if the terrible neo-empror is still alive at that time...

Other languages / Разбор
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:57:32 AM »
 Разбор. Хареса им на хора във Фейса, та копирам и тук:
Може да не е от най-добрите в правописа и съчиненията, но усърдието при поставяне на препинателни знаци изразява искреността и силата на чувствата му! Човекът няма най-доброто образование, но прави най-доброто с това, което има досега. От теб само зависи да му подадеш ръка и да го въздигнеш по пътя на висшето образование! Любовта дава сили,... повече и от луканката!

 Следва една моя политическа песен, тип "Ален мак", за феновете на... "Възраждане". Може пък да стане хит, кой знае?...


 Something romantic and also related to the fields of psychology, ethics, moral...:

"Never neglect someone who truly loves and cares for you, because if that person is gone then you'll realize that you've lost a diamond because you neglected it for ordinary stones."

 Just sharing it here because it's the most romantic topic in the entire forum. https://youtube.com/shorts/HTnXOw_LS8o

Other languages / Диамант и камъни
« on: October 01, 2024, 03:17:25 PM »

Диамант и камъни

 Никога не пренебрегвайте някой, който наистина ви обича и се грижи за вас, защото ако този човек си отиде, чак тогава ще разберете, че сте изгубили диамант, защото сте го пренебрегвали заради обикновени камъни.

 About the psychocel and crimecel from Shanghai, I told you that it's the ideal or, at least, the optimal strategy: we wasted him more than 24 hours to wait and try approval, then we approved him (and as a bonus we got his real Shanghai IP, because this time he has no money for a VPN probably, which shows that his richness is only in his hallucinating head, but more importantly, it's a good info for the police and other authorities who will search for him in the future) + his psycho-posts and spam were deleted in no time without reading them (and nobody else read them) + he was instantly banned. A perfect win situation.  8) 8) 8)

 And about the angel of mine, yeah, it's more than I could expect. All this shows that she is one of the best Chinese people (the antipode of the worst Chinese ZJcel, known here as "psycho-criminalcel") who really values me and likes me.
 Just being her best friend (as she calls me) is pretty enough to motivate me to work out harder, to study harder, to make better videos and even to contribute more for this successful forum.😎👍

 Yes. Seems like her mother doesn't influence her contacts with me and my favorite person is going to keep in touch with me. :) I am so, so, so happy! 😊

 Also, she wanted to refuse my present but at the end of the day she agreed 👍💯 and she was very thankful and so polite, as usual, saying so many times sorry for my troubles and soendings. I told her that I am happy and giving her a good gift is my real happiness. The happiness doesn't care about money.
送给你好的礼物是我的幸福😊🍀😄 幸福不会管钱。

 And also I sent her a link to my recent "Wangzhe" comedy, she evaluated it as very funny and... Now I am really happy again!!! ☺️

Take a look: https://youtu.be/iA4ZBOmUGzs

Пэйдж-ранк / Re: Наш Page Rank!
« on: October 01, 2024, 06:07:52 AM »
 Ну, да. Как иначе?  8) 8)

 33. 100% schizophrenic and/or CCP shill proven: his last online activity and profiles/nicknames are providing the proof. For example, "我太想入党群机关了” means "I really want to join the Party mass organizations."

Remember? This is the same "person" who wanted to immigrate (Japan), who wanted us to believe how much he hates the CCP, etc. What a disgusting sick, mentally disordered low IQ shill! The new "PublicManager" account from the Chinese (163.com) e-mail is highly likely his. Wait more time before approve it (to make him waste more time until checking is it approved or not) + delete his posts (which, as usual, will be full of his hallucinations, lies, pro-Xi and pro-Putin propaganda, other criminal content, etc.) and ban him.  8) Following this algorithm is what is the best strategy to keep the forum safe + to waste his time, to make him discouraged and to give him the negative emotions that he deserves from the moment when he started to wish the death of people here and to spread his lies, innuendos and hallucinations.

 I sent her a present that she was dreaming about -- a pretty smartwatch. The problem is the smartwatch is now in the school's locker and I don't know if she'll be able to get it without any trouble (in case the phone number is not right, for example, because I used the one which is in her online chat account and there is some probability that it's not her present phone number...) but I am doing the optimal I can do.

What is to love for real?  True love?  Here it is: to be ready to spend 100 dollars for a gift that She really needs, than to spend it on food, drink, books, cinema... Love is real when seeing Her happiness and gratitude is a greater joy to you than anything else you like and enjoy!

Какво е истински да обичаш? Истинска любов? Ето това: да си готов да похарчиш 100 лева за един подарък от който Тя истински има нужда, отколкото да ги изхарчиш за храна, пиене, книги, кино... Любовта е истинска тогава, когато да видиш Нейното щастие и благодарност е по-голяма радост за теб, отколкото всичко останало, което харесваш и на което се наслаждаваш!

什么才是真正的爱?   真正的爱情?   就是这样:准备好花100美元买她真正需要的礼物,而不是花在食物、饮料、书籍、电影上……,爱是真实的,当看到她的幸福和感激时,比起任何你喜欢和享受的东西,这对你来说是一种更大的快乐!

 From another account.  :) And that's all. If she blocks it too, well, it is up to her already. I just made politely myself clear and, with the due resect, exprssed my true feelings, thoughts and so on. If she still thinks/feels something wrong or bad about me -- let it be. I am not like Zhang Jie Shanghaicel to create dozens of accounts and to care who will read or not read my stuff. I am a normal man and I send messages only once after I see someone has a probem with me.

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