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Messages - MSL

 Take it easy. I am doing almost well. 8) :)
 A new video, for the fans of the eletronic clocks and espcially -- the tigers. :) https://youtu.be/SHOL1AizMuc?si=NZ60CzHVQCpyfwg2

Other topics / Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« on: August 03, 2024, 12:36:30 AM »
Mojo, we miss you. Hope you are doing well in Texas or in another place. 8)

Social network | SEO - Social network / About the Greeks
« on: August 02, 2024, 06:45:41 AM »

Oh yes, he is not having any privacy control. Shares everything he knows about others and on top of that adds his lies and/or hallucinations, sadistic texts and more, and more!
 So, for sure, this is the right possible reaction to his deeds so far!
 The criminal schizophrenical should feel the consequences!

 And one more, the 5th and the last: the basic IP overlaps with a user who has the same as his online behavior -- he is watching my (MSL) profile. Who is more obsessed than him when it comes to MSL?  :D Nobody.


99.99999999999% Zhang Jie

99.99999999999% Zhang Jie from Shanghai!

 1. Too many attempts to log in  with his new account. The normal people are not so impatient. In some hours more than 10 attempts! His low EQ and his insanity makes him uncontrollable and he tries, tries, tries... The error logs are full of his unsuccessful attempts.

 2. One of the logs shows that he forgot his password!  :D
Can you imagine a normal man or a normal woman to register something RIGHT now and to repeat (confirm) his/her password twice (as it is required in most of the platforms online) and SOON AFTER to... forget the password! Another indication of Zhang (bad memory!)...

 3. The nickname... no comment. And this time Gmail. Good  ;)... And exactly after his YouTube multi-accounting! Yes, sure...

 4. His VPN sucks and he tried to use a unique IP this time (which made some of you to doubt if it's really he) but you didn't check all of his login history! It shows overlapping with his ALL, literally all, other nicknames and profiles!

 So, don't approve. If approve, it's on your own risk!

 Not that strange. Usually they are combined in some psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenics, bipolarity disordered (cyclophrenics) and so on. He guessed once that he sounds like a masochist. Even he feels it (with his low IQ and psychotisms), so it is what it is. A sadist but also with masochistic traits. A sadomasochistic incel + lowIQcel + crimecel, etc. You know that this is the most terrible person from China I ever met. And maybe he is worse than Elliot Roger (Rodger) too.

And yes, the more he says something, the more he loses. For example he slanders my recycling business and this shows the people that:

1. He is not giving a damn about the ecology. 0 ecology knowledge and friendliness!
2. He is not understanding the usefulness of the earnings for the one who recycles and the people who are recycling + the whole economy. 0 economics knowledge.

3. He is not understanding that when you recycle cartons, iron, bottles and cans, you are picking, taking, walking with comparatively heavy objects which helps your body to burn calories, to build up some muscles and to keep heathier! 0 biological knowlede.

 You see, right? Only one stupid sentence from him and at once three problems of Zhang Jie are showing up! No need to say that this also shows his disrespect to the honest, hardworking people, the labour class. But from a degraded Ruscism and Xiism supporter except cruelty and stupidity you can't expect anything else.

 Oh, "real people according to what they read/visit, how long time they spend on the different sections and so on." is too complicated for his brain. But the average people know what we mean.
 Yes, we should be attentive and careful who is approved and who is disapproved here.

But I couldn't react instantly because I had to set a cricket free:

 To tell you the truth I prefer to help first an insect like that one than to deal with the mentalcel-criminalcel and his psychotisms + debilisms.

 Okay. After I helped the cricket, I have to do some of my sports. Later, between the sports and the cooking, I will take some time to analyze well this new profile.


What is a spoon and how to use it

The spoon video

 Here it is:

(With the necessary explainations for the Shanghaicel that we are talking about  "勺子".)


Oligophrenopedagogy (teaching and education of intellectually disabled)

To help the low IQcels

Oligophrenopedagogy[/b -- teaching and education of intellectually disabled.
Don't ignore the low-IQ (a.k.a. "slow") people! Do your best to help and educate them.
 In this case, it will be useful for the low IQcels (a.k.a. slowcels).
 Thanks for the good idea to one of the incels who is a bit slow (low IQ and EQ, debil level) who appreciated my "How to choose a good watemelon video" ( https://youtu.be/c0Wg3LvEyVE?si=Ck9mfJcQ195RuvMB ) and suggested videos about how to use a spoon, how to urinate in the toilet and how to seek for a job without any boss.
 And here we go: the spoon video is ready for him and for the people around his level.

29. He was trying to use me as a free English teacher (the QQ period) and selfishly said that I better don't speak and practice Chinese with him, only English because he have to improve his English...
 Now, after I cut off all ties with him because of his disgraceful behaviour (full of death threads to Desi, lies and innuendos about me and many others, insane texts describing his sick hallucinations and all that!) he tries to imply that my English is not good but at the same time he is the one who is making funny English mistakes. More about his downgrade English, in this topic, don't miss the edumaxx opportunity: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-update-about-zhang-jie-from-shanghai-insanity-and-criminal-acts/msg53708/#msg53708

 Thanks for the languagemaxx ideas to Dimitroff and Internet Gay! Yes, Dimitroff, he has no idea that in English you should use plurals (plural nouns) in this case.
 And, yes, Internet Gay, he has no idea that words and constructions like "orangeish" (with an alternative spelling -- "orangish"), "yellowish" and "epic fail" do really exist in that (very difficult for him English) language. :D
 Yes, it is easy to learn some degraded ghetto style English like "muh f*king" and "woulda" but when it comes Zhang Jie crimecel-lowOQcel-psycocel to learn right, proper English, oh forget it.
 He even can't spell right a comparatively easy word (for a man with a college degree that he claimed to have; we are not sure if he really has it or not!) like "etymology". He spells it as "etymlogy".
 Good that he failed to start working as an English teacher! Good for all the students who may learn from him only wrong, degraded and slang English (needless to speak about his grammar, pronunciation and nearly zero listening. The last one he admitted by himself to me in the periods when wanted me to be his free English teacher. :D!)

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