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Messages - MSL

 1. This is exactly the case of all those geo-minn-ed (geominn-ed) incels. A real 5/10 person, with the right geo-maxx (geomaxx) is not going to be an incel at all. But if he's in a place where the women are "Chad only", "Prettyboy only" and "Mega rich only/Mega popular only", well then, this is it. Very, very high standards.
 2. If the person is geomaxxed enough (i. e. living in a place where even a 2/10 may have a chance if he's with the good personality, stable income and other basic things) then maybe it's a mental problem (mentalcel's inceldom) or something really serious (like disabledcel's inceldom, poorcel's inceldom). Otherwise a 5/10 (looks) person can't be an incel there; only a volcel.
 3. There are also other possible cases like these: he's a 5.5/10 but he's too short (i. e. a shortcel). Or he's just photogenetic (looking attractive in photographs but not in the reality) (i. e. not more than 3/10 which isn't enough in most of the places around the world). There are also fakecels (for example he's having a girlfriend or broke up recently) who just like to pretend (or really think) that they're incels.

Other topics / 靓女 ([liànɡ nǚ])
« on: May 19, 2023, 03:31:42 AM »
Foreigner @ 12:28:15 AM
sE 12:31:01 AM

Someone added me. Told me he's searching in here a 靓女 [liànɡ nǚ] which means young pretty woman, a pretty girl. Well, I couldn't help him.

Other topics / Re: HELLO!
« on: May 19, 2023, 03:14:48 AM »
 Well and right said. You have to make the best use of your youth. This includes health, improved body (bones, muscles, nerves, heart,... everything), collecting a lot of useful knowledge and learning how to be a better person too. Then once you're an adult you'll be capable to achieve more than the average ones.
 About the forum here, well, one of the reasons why I do post even useless (for most of you) things (just because I have them in the old computer and have to clean it up before I can sell it) is that I'd like to enlarge the content of this forum which, logically, will attract more visitors. But as far as there are things like Facebook, Reddit and other big competitors we're not going to have millions of members/users here. ;D

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 19, 2023, 03:09:55 AM »
This one:
Premium Bluetooth Speakers, Earbuds & Charging Docks - Limited
Time Offer. Shop Now!

Other topics / Re: HELLO!
« on: May 19, 2023, 02:27:18 AM »
 Yes, you're more and more valued around. 8)

Other topics / Some who just stopped chatting
« on: May 19, 2023, 01:24:55 AM »
1063487911 9:45:26 PM
Foreigner @ 9:45:44 PM
A领先科技 9:45:54 PM
Foreigner @ 9:46:22 PM
A领先科技 9:46:34 PM
are you in haikou city now?
Foreigner @ 9:46:51 PM
Yes, I am.
A领先科技 9:47:23 PM
how long have you been in china
Foreigner @ 9:47:59 PM
For several years. Long time.
Foreigner @ 9:48:05 PM
And who is it?
A领先科技 9:50:12 PM
i am travelling in haikou city,i am chinese from henan provence
Foreigner @ 9:50:34 PM
Oh, I see. Okay.
A领先科技 9:51:32 PM
would like to make friends with me
Foreigner @ 9:52:19 PM
A领先科技 9:53:20 PM
witch coutry are you from

A领先科技 9:53:31 PM
Foreigner @ 9:54:26 PM
Oh, it is one from the EU (欧盟的)。But I live in China forever, so it already doesn't matter. I don't want to go back. My life belongs here.
A领先科技 10:21:44 PM
Foreigner @ 10:28:05 PM
Do you plan to start some business in Haikou?
Foreigner @ 3:46:27 PM
Yes, no?
He didn't answer. Someone who just stopped chatting.

Well, that time I was still hoping I'll live in China forever but after its emperorization (reemperorization) and feudalization (refeudalization) de facto, I am not feeling the same way. I don't want to live in "absolute monarchy like" states.

其它信息 / 为什么我们不可以在一起?
« on: May 19, 2023, 01:04:12 AM »


“为什么我们不可以在一起,因为我们不同一个地球人。” ;D ;D ;D

And a short explanation in Chinese (for the Chinese people who're not good at English or for the foreigners who're better in Chinese than in English): 意思就是如果人家觉得你不够好看,不够有钱,不够这个,不够那个(现在,看来,都是“高贵的”),没有用去见人。先要当帅的,有钱的,有这个那个,后来才去见人。


Social-maxxing (Socialmaxxing) -- don't overrate it.

 As you know it's good to be objective -- don't unverrate anything but also don't overrate. Here I'm going to post a bit about the social-maxx (socialmaxx). Usually the problem with it is that it's overrated. For example, the PUA techniques (even those which aren't fake or naive) are sort of this -- they just tell you go there, be social, say/do this and that and the woman will be impressed. But (about this many of the incels are right) if you're not good-looking, not rich and so on, it's not going to work. No matter how much you socialize (aka "socialmaxx"; aka "meet and spend time with people in a friendly way") if you're not good enough for them (and you know that now the standards are higher in many regions) it's not going to work. It's really pity to see all those fatcels, poorcels, uglycels, etc. who are just trying to make a girlfriend with a pure social-maxxing effort. They're like "Why?! I go meet people, I start a conversation! Isn't it enough?" Well, it really isn't. Two points:
  • The social-maxx isn't that unique anymore. You see, there are sometimes more chances for you online (in some forums, online groups, social networks, etc. than offline where most of the women will never start to chat with a stranger and even worse -- you can be accused of being a "creep"  or a "stalker".)
  • The social-maxx (even the online one, which is more powerful) isn't enough. Well, most of the maxx-es aren't enough too but there are tons of more powerful, i. e. more effective ones like gym-maxx, money-maxx, geo-maxx, etc. which gives you chance to ascend like 10%, 20%, 25% at least but a pure social-maxx, if you're a truecel, well, I can't give it more than a 0.5% chance and it's only in a geomaxxed area (i. e. very luck related) one.
So, to tell you the truth, the social-maxxing should be the last thing that you may use. Before it, you have to maxx (i. e. improve) your body, your money (capital) and/or status, your location, your fashion style (if there is a need; in some places it's pointless), your knowledge (like some foreign language-maxx, at least), your culture (some form of art-maxx, for example, at least singing, playing piano, writing poems)...
 Don't just go and talk. It's a myth and it's very overrated. (When you're not ready for this.)

-------FREE ADS------- / Re: What ad can you see now?
« on: May 18, 2023, 05:55:10 PM »
I see this ad:
We are a true headhunting firm
We are helping recruit successful professional and convince them to
join your firm

Other topics / Re: The alignment of six planets
« on: May 18, 2023, 05:31:40 PM »
 Yes, that's right. :)

Other topics / Re: Letters & Numbers; Numbers & Letters
« on: May 18, 2023, 05:22:25 PM »

Other topics / ~2007
« on: May 18, 2023, 05:21:25 PM »
Около 2007-ма да е било.

 (09:18 PM) :
pri men veche neshtata prikluchiha

(03:03 AM) :
a Aidin - tova e izpiata pesen
(03:03 AM) :
nito she e parviat, nito posledniat

Откровен човек си беше. Харесваше ми да се чати за всичко без увъртания. Както в случая с този господин Айдън.

So, Lalicat, you're a human or a bot?

Other languages / Сезони
« on: May 18, 2023, 05:45:16 AM »
 През зимата е студено, а през лятото е горещо. През пролетта може да е студено, хладно, топло... През есента - същата работа. Сезони...

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