A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) / No, I didn't
« on: April 25, 2023, 06:27:07 AM »Quote
哲学家 was implying IQ test only has pattern-recognization itemsHere, this reminds me another Chinese young man who said that he should protect China against me because I told him I dislike the current president. For him "You said you don't like 1 Chinese man." = "You're against all China."

To know if someone answers well about "Which object comes next?" (like in this one: ) or to know how well a person learned the subject "Logic" (the logic marks) in school? Or to know that someone found where is the triangle out of the squares compared to know his/her "Geometry" marks?) but the logic flaw brought us to the point where I am "implying IQ test only has pattern-recognization items".

No, it's okay, I am not a specialist about the IQ tests. I majored in Philosophy (Bachelor's) and Philosophical Anthropology (Master's). I learn about the human intelligence, behavior, brain, relationship with the animals, emotions and so on, but we didn't go into details about the IQ tests so I do admit you know the matter much better. I only underline again that the point wasn't what you got -- the point was that when I want to understand better the intellect and the nature of a person, I choose to see his/her marks than his/her IQ test. The marks (if they're objective) can show me more than the IQ test. And you know why? Exactly because for the good grades you need: more knowledge, more hard work, more EQ, more motivation... and as you noticed "because he/she does not try"...
More, it's maybe true for some that "People tend to have a static IQ along the life after their intelligences finish developing", but I disagree that this is a rule for everybody. People who're active learners and do efforts may improve their intelligence more and more; it's "never finish". (Thinking of the IQ as static is very "a la black-pill": "no chance to improve", "it's over", "never begins" and other metaphysical, non-dialectical statements.)
Here some more articles about it:
- The Fallacy Of A Fixed IQ -- "... the way that we classify, categorize, taxonomize, and access knowledge can be improved as we age, and thus our IQ scores can definitely increase (and decrease, if we don’t keep our brains actively improving!)."
- William Klemm, Ph.D., is a senior professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University: No, Your IQ Is Not Constant
They correlate with each other of course but not strongly, at least not as strongly as many people think that if you have high grades your IQ is high, or only if your IQ is high you can have high grades.This you got right. Nobody is saying that "IQ test = grades", we're talking about the correlations, the overlapping. Higher IQ --> better chance for higher grades --> reinforcing the IQ (see Pygmalion effect) It's like the money, height and face: being rich doesn't provide you 100% high success rate but being poor (like carless, homeless, etc.) decreases your chances of having a love partner nearly 100%, hence the money is a necessity nowadays because in the capitalistic world (or neofeudal in some parts, but the money also matters there) the females are materialistic and clever enough to avoid getting trapped in poverty. A money-maxxed Melvin has more chances to get a partner than a beggar Chad. And from the other perspective -- being tall and handsome provides you more initial opportunities to find some better income, to be more welcomed for better jobs, etc. Here we have also got this reinforcement, correlation and so on.
IQcels have more excuses to be suffering from inferior complexities.If they're high IQcel, then they can use all this insecurities (inferiority complexes) as a motivation to self-improve themselves. For example, I was afraid I am too slim (some honest girls told me) and I started to gain weight. Later when I was too fat, there were new honest girls who said that I have to lose weight and to build muscle mass and there I am: gym-maxxed myself, sport-maxxing non-stop... or when I felt I don't know enough 汉字(Chinese characters), I just started to learn more (every day 1-2 new characters) and now my Chinese already is already around "HSK 4" level. The moroncels and other low IQ males who were in bad shape and who didn't know Chinese well, now are the same ugly-bodied men (dad-bod types) and their Chinese level is only "HSK 1"... So, as you can see, if you try harder and never stop, the results are showing up, gradually.