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哲学家 was implying IQ test only has pattern-recognization items
Here, this reminds me another Chinese young man who said that he should protect China against me because I told him I dislike the current president. For him "You said you don't like 1 Chinese man." = "You're against all China."  ;D Here the logic flaw is similar -- I gave an EXAMPLE (double example) with a type/types of IQ questions and school subjects. (And it was:
To know if someone answers well about "Which object comes next?" (like in this one: ) or to know how well a person learned the subject "Logic" (the logic marks) in school? Or to know that someone found where is the triangle out of the squares compared to know his/her "Geometry" marks?
) but the logic flaw brought us to the point where I am "implying IQ test only has pattern-recognization items". ;D Liam, a quick question for you: if I say that "Rabbits are smaller than cars." are you making the conclusion that I am "implying" all the fauna has got only rabbits? :D
 No, it's okay, I am not a specialist about the IQ tests. I majored in Philosophy (Bachelor's) and Philosophical Anthropology (Master's). I learn about the human intelligence, behavior, brain, relationship with the animals, emotions and so on, but we didn't go into details about the IQ tests so I do admit you know the matter much better. I only underline again that the point wasn't what you got -- the point was that when I want to understand better the intellect and the nature of a person, I choose to see his/her marks than his/her IQ test. The marks (if they're objective) can show me more than the IQ test. And you know why? Exactly because for the good grades you need: more knowledge, more hard work, more EQ, more motivation... and as you noticed "because he/she does not try"...
 More, it's maybe true for some that "People tend to have a static IQ along the life after their intelligences finish developing", but I disagree that this is a rule for everybody. People who're active learners and do efforts may improve their intelligence more and more; it's "never finish". (Thinking of the IQ as static is very "a la black-pill": "no chance to improve", "it's over", "never begins" and other metaphysical, non-dialectical statements.)
 Here some more articles about it:
  • The Fallacy Of A Fixed IQ -- "... the way that we classify, categorize, taxonomize, and access knowledge can be improved as we age, and thus our IQ scores can definitely increase (and decrease, if we don’t keep our brains actively improving!)."
  • William Klemm, Ph.D., is a senior professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University: No, Your IQ Is Not Constant

They correlate with each other of course but not strongly, at least not as strongly as many people think that if you have high grades your IQ is high, or only if your IQ is high you can have high grades.
This you got right. Nobody is saying that "IQ test = grades", we're talking about the correlations, the overlapping. Higher IQ --> better chance for higher grades --> reinforcing the IQ (see Pygmalion effect) It's like the money, height and face: being rich doesn't provide you 100% high success rate but being poor (like carless, homeless, etc.) decreases your chances of having a love partner nearly 100%, hence the money is a necessity nowadays because in the capitalistic world (or neofeudal in some parts, but the money also matters there) the females are materialistic and clever enough to avoid getting trapped in poverty. A money-maxxed Melvin has more chances to get a partner than a beggar Chad. And from the other perspective -- being tall and handsome provides you more initial opportunities to find some better income, to be more welcomed for better jobs, etc. Here we have also got this reinforcement, correlation and so on.

IQcels have more excuses to be suffering from inferior complexities.
If they're high IQcel, then they can use all this insecurities (inferiority complexes) as a motivation to self-improve themselves. For example, I was afraid I am too slim (some honest girls told me) and I started to gain weight. Later when I was too fat, there were new honest girls who said that I have to lose weight and to build muscle mass and there I am: gym-maxxed myself, sport-maxxing non-stop... or when I felt I don't know enough 汉字(Chinese characters), I just started to learn more (every day 1-2 new characters) and now my Chinese already is already around "HSK 4" level. The moroncels and other low IQ males who were in bad shape and who didn't know Chinese well, now are the same ugly-bodied men (dad-bod types) and their Chinese level is only "HSK 1"... So, as you can see, if you try harder and never stop, the results are showing up, gradually.

Other topics / Re: End of the line for a model railway fan
« on: April 25, 2023, 04:00:31 AM »
 I went often to watch the trains with my grandfather. :)

Other topics / Re: OMG!
« on: April 25, 2023, 03:58:20 AM »
OMG art. 8) It's good. Share them, can you?

Other topics / Километрични 20
« on: April 25, 2023, 03:25:19 AM »
Километричности, какво да ги правиш...

а той нещо и не се сработва с китайците, за цяла година само с мен основно дружи, от време на време с други виетнамци и почти никак с китайците

то не само виетнамците, виж че и мен каръщината ме гони доста време
Ами те може и да не са ти казвали, но на мен са ми казвали (няколко виетнамеца и виетнамки), че много мразели китайците (в по-голямата си част, де, не е задължително 100%). Затова и може това да е основния му мотив. Иначе те са си почти едно и също, както руснаци и украинци, ама се мразят.

Подчертавам, че това е само от външна гледна точка, т. е. за някой може почти да няма разлика между виетнамци и китайци, но разликите са стотици. А пък след войната между Русия и Украйна, макар украинците да си остават източно-славянски народ като руснаците, разликите станаха още по-големи, защото украинците все повече се солидаризират като отделна нация, стават по-прозападни, залягат повече над родния си език и избягват руския, и прочее обособявания.

не е дори до националност

ами той не ги харесва, разбира се  ;D ;D
Ти и аз сме особени случаи - нас не ни брой въобще.  ;D
При нас си е, защото сме много "специални"...

(Тук съм имал предвид предната тема, за невървежа; под "специални" в кавички, имам предвид "капризни".)
но са странна комбинация, след като не се харесват защо едните ходят да учат или работят при другите

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ами, защото в Китай има повече възможности за виетнамците, а пък за китайците - за бизнес - повече във Виетнам. Нещо като българите, които мразят и плюят гърците, ама много им е гот да ходят на работа и почивки в Гърция.
(Имам предвид тази част от българите, които мразят гърците. Не всички ги мразят, нещо повече - има дори гръкофили. Аз дори познавах един такъв; добър човек беше.
 Просто съм направил аналогия, за да обясня, че не е задължително някой да прелива от обич към даден народ и/или държава, за да си прави бизнеса или почивката там. Просто някои хора не смесват бизнеса с политиката или пък екскурзиите с личната неприязън.

При нас има много проблеми (обективни като не много качествените бащи, НО и субективни - не сме като останалите хора в доста отношения и това ни пречи... )

Твърдо честен и обективен. Такъв се стремя да бъда.
дам, но заслугата на татковците не е малка
То оттам се почва (и за много хора 100% стига) - да те подсигурят поне с 1 бизнес и си окей. Ама като няма, вече става лошото...
абе и да не те подсигурят ама поне да не ти пречат и да не действат срещу синовете, или поне да не са безотговорни и да опитват да са малко полезни
Е, полезни... За пълнене на сайта на Зукърбърг със съдържание за без пари моят е полезен. За мен - не е полезен.  ;D
И твоя баща, ако преброиш, ще видиш, че е бил много полезен за разни там приятели, дами...  ;D
Полезни - за който не трябва...

Зависи полезността спрямо кой е. В случая, говорим по-обобщено, в деонтологичен план.
моят е полезен за магазините за свинско  :P

Ааа, то това е "второ ниво" на полезност - при моят пък ракиите и водките печелят... ::)
 ;D ;D ;D
Тъпа работа...
И честита ти Коледата, ако празнуваш - аз не празнувам такива работи.

Главната ми мисъл беше, че има родители, които като ти осигурят поне малък семеен бизнес (например една бакалия или пък малък ресторант), ти просто го продължаваш и не си тровиш живота да мислиш за пари, когато можеш да го отдадеш на изкуство, наука, удоволствия... Но, когато родителите харчат време и пари за други неща/хора, не винаги сам можеш да се справиш с бизнеса, защото то се иска начален капитал.
 Колкото до Коледа - ами нямам против приказното (еленчета, джуджета, Снажанка), но от религиозното страня, защото не обичам религиозности.

Преди малко звъняха от полицията тук - сменили са реда - освен, че си вземаш визата, после трябва и да се регистрираш лично в РПУ-то тук. Не знам защо (и в други държави го има това) не могат директно да им изпратят информацията от централата, ама поне не е голям проблем.

То на теб сигурно не ти е много полезно това знание, защото си имаш виза с години напред. А и тази сигурно ти е последната за Китай?
ами аз само първия път имах безплатна за три години, след това всичко е за по една година и е 800 юана за година, на мен последния път ми взеха 400 защото не ми се връзва една година до юли... и да, всеки път след визата се регистрирам в местното районно, и така си е поначало, само дето районното го местят всеки път на различно място, явно им е за спорт
Ясно. Значи тук просто по-късно са го въвели.

А, ако искаш - пускай новината във Фейсбука: 4-ти канадец арестуван в Китай: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/other-languages/eo-e-eo-o/msg39891/#msg39891

а тоя с наркотиците нещо не е добре нацелил дейността и мястото... с ти мерника на канадците ли си вдигнал или е просто съвпадение?

(Явно и очевидно е, че да се занимаваш с наркотици не е добра дейност, но бих казал, че на всяко място е така по света и всички, който дори си помисля за такова "занимание" би трябвало да се откаже.
 Колкото до канадците - аз нямам нищо против тях. Нямам никакви шовонистични настроения.
Просто пиша новините за арестуваните в Китай и ги споделям, за да дойдат читатели и да изкарам някой цент от Гугъл-рекламите. Нямам контакти с канадци отдавна.

А и тези центове ги делим, ако някой е любопитен, та съвсем нищо не изкарвам откъм сериозни пари, но това е положението. Живот и здраве, като се заимам с по-печеливши офлайн и онлайн бизнеси, ще може да се похваля, а не да се оплаквам. :)
... - чисто споделяне, за да има посещаемост, защото съм беден и всеки цент е ценност за мен. Канадци, американци, японци - все ми е едно...

Почнах да пиша и въпросите до онези сйтове, които с тебе се съгласихме, че може да се закупят.

Виж текста и кажи нещо да променям ли? Включително, ако видиш и някоя грешка на руски, защото аз не го знам граматически добре.
Руският фонетично и лексикално ми е добър; граматично - пооправих го и това, но като цяло не ми е добра граматиката на руски. Тя си е сравнително-сложна, с тези многото падежи. Както и да е.

Пускам го така, че имам и други неща, да не губя време с това само.
ами да, ще те разбере

А относно това - ами ставаше дума да закупим някой (или няколко) сайта с добра посещаемост, но така и не намерихме продаващи.
 Това е...

 If the marks are objective, they're the best IQ "mirror".

I don't know, not sure but is it related to the incels? If not, tell me to move it to another board. Otherwise, tell us what do you mean? High IQcels something?
Yeah this topic is related to IQcel. Like China is obsessed over height, America is obsessed over IQ.
If we're going to make these generalizations, I'd say that "China" (i. e. most of the adult Chinese I met) is obsessed over money. I saw tall but poor people without girlfriends but I never saw rich people who're single. Even those fat, short, old uncle type (or real uncles) Chinese do have women (some of them even more than just one; they like to collect more -- lovers, additional "wives"... the so-called "小三" ("thirdlet", a lover),  "小四" ("fourthlet"), "小老婆" ("weifelet") and others).
 Yes, there may be 60%-70% females who'll reject a rich shortcel but there are 99%+ who'll surely reject a poorcel.
 I don't blame them; this is the result of the not having enough and willing to have more. (It's popular in many other countries too. There are Western incels who said that the poor Chads in their places also can't get a girl and are in fact poorcels.) At least better than the opposite "be proud of being poor and obey the one in power willingly!".

But the grades and the IQ are related. Not totally but you can't be a low IQed and to have good grades, can you?
The first argument is contradictory to the second argument. I think unless your IQ is too low like below 80 which is considered as retarded, you can have good grades, since I've seen one example some time ago.

They just overlap. You see, an IQ test is a test the same as an exam in the school which is also a test but more concrete. The marks (diploma) are something like a whole IQ test (even more than it if there are PE marks, which are showing your "PE Q", art marks, music marks, etc.) To me a diploma (if it's not fake or based on corrupted teachers) is showing more what you're as a person than an IQ test.
 Think about it: what is more important? To know if someone answers well about "Which object comes next?" (like in this one: ) or to know how well a person learned the subject "Logic" (the logic marks) in school? Or to know that someone found where is the triangle out of the squares compared to know his/her "Geometry" marks?
 And yes, there is a strong correlation between the IQ (and the EQ) and the marks. If you agreed that the low IQ people can't learn well, it means that these (IQ, EQ and the marks) somehow overlap.
 Let's define the "IQ": Intelligence quotient, which is a score that shows how well someone understands and interprets the world around them. If we use this definition, well, sorry but if you do understand and interpret the world well, then most of your marks should be good.

Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D
Another hearsay about the reason why they are obsessed with IQ is that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations becomes more 'scientific' since IQ tests are backed up by Psychometrics, though I think it is a piece of tremendous bullshit since you don't need to do so because America does not care about black people's human right lol. You can explicitly refuse to hire them.

that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations
Wow! You're implying that the black people are low IQed. For many (black people and non-black people) is may sound racist. I know the percent of well educated, hence higher IQed black people isn't the highest but it's because of the social, economical, subcultural reasons. (Just making it clear that we're not racists here and we're trying to represent the objective picture. We don't and we can't mean that all black people are low IQed). The second problem about this -- can you support this claim that there are policies or attempts of the non-black Americans to flush balck people out of the positions of high paid occupations? I know some people, especially some of the black people themselves will claim the same but are there statistical facts about it because it's not good to point at something so serious without proofs.

because America does not care about black people's human right
It's like another serious accusation. Everyone may say something like "Japan doesn't care about Ainu people's human rights." or "Australia dosn't care about Aborigines people's human rights." and you can probably find examples of discrimination or some local problem but to accuse the whole country (or all its people isn't good and responsible). This is exactly the same wrong logic when it comes to China -- "All Chinese (汉族) hate the minorities (少数民族), you're a Han(汉族的)-Chinese, so you're bad!" When you're in the USA and some radical human right activists start to keep you responsible for the (true or false; you know some of the problems are true but there are also media produced fake baseless ones) problems of the human rights of Uigurs, Tibetans, Mongols, etc. are you going to feel good?
 Or a similar analogy -- there are incels who really doesn't care about the females. And if some anti-incels know you're an incel and start to call you "Incels = don't care about us = you too!" are you going to accept that you're a heartless incels too?
 The "incorrect summary" like "America doesn't care about the black lives." or "If you're an incel, you're a subhuman.", or "If you're a Chinese you're an anti-American." are leading to nowhere.
 Just think about it: if the black Americans have much more human rights than the Koreans in North Korea and the Chinese in China, what is that talk about "America doesnt care about the black people"? Can a Chinese citizen go to play in a casino or own a gun shop? Of course not. But in the USA there are black men who go to play in casinos, who own legal gun shops and so on. (I am not saying the guns are a good human right, I am just giving you examples, that the blacks in USA are having more freedoms and the laws there are mostly more liberal than the ones in North Korea, China, Iran, etc.)


Ако използваме неуместни категории или критерии, можем да направим погрешни обобщения

  Ако използваме неуместни категории или критерии, можем да направим погрешни обобщения. Да си знаете. :)

-------FREE ADS------- / What ad can you see now?
« on: April 24, 2023, 07:22:17 PM »

What ad can you see now?

 Ads thread in the Free Ads board, makes sense, I suppose. The topic is about the ads -- the come and go. Some of them we never see again. They're gone forever. So, it's like an archive (history) thread. Share the ads you see online of offline around you.
 I see something like this:

 Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D

Please, tell about that "retinal effect". Or adjust the term if it's an error. I can't find anything about it. I'll post more later.
A psychological termology that stands for a situation from which you are suffering that you overestimate the frequency of one specific thing, like being 180+ cm tall. To elucidate it in the most vivid way, imagine you are walking on a street and come across ten men, two of which are 180+ cm tall, and the others are below 180+ cm tall, but due to Retinal Effect, you will be like 'Wtf nowadays young men are so tall! They are all 180+ cm tall! I am only 175cm and I am a midget in China!', and this shit also applies to other things including richness, not exclusive to height. My lexicon is lilliputian so my eludication is awful. Take it or leave it.

Liam, I learned more about it and I'll correct it a bit. It's in fact when you have something and starting to notice it more. Like a pregnant woman, who notices more and more pregnant women outside ("The pregnant woman effect" is the other name of the "Retinal effect"), I think this explanation is good and simple:

"This phenomenon is known as the "retinal effect" in psychology. When we own something or a feature, we are more likely to notice whether others have this feature like us than ordinary people." (这种现象就是心理学中所说的“视网膜效应”,当我们自己拥有一件东西或一项特征时,我们就会比平常人更会注意到别人是否跟我们一样具备这种特征。)Source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/孕妇效应/896606 So, according to this effect, if you're shorter and think of yourself as a short man (or even a shortcel) then you'll notice more the short men outside than the average person. This is so far what I understood about it.


Спасяване на майски бръмбарчета

 Майските бръмбари са ми били винаги много интересни. Тази година, наоколо, има доста. Та спасих на няколко пъти едни такива майски бръмбарчета (пиша ги умалително, защото бяха по-малки по размер, та мисля че са били млади насекоми, но може и просто да са си такива, мънички цял живот). Първия път - да не бъде настъпан бръмбара. Втория - помогнах му да излезне от асансьор, където най-вероятно щеше да бъде убит от някой човек волно или неволно.


За мита, че с много съдържание ще докарваш много пари от реклами

  Ставало е дума често преди, че със съдържание, особено ако е много, качествено, интересно, уникално, ще докарваш много пари от реклами. Има такива случаи, не го отричаме, но като цяло може да включим това твърдение в "митовете", особено ако е под формата, че "Винаги (задължително) многото, качествено, интересно и уникално съдържание докарва много пари (от реклами, например)."
 Ще поясня и какво имам предвид: ами виждам много сайтове, написани на различни езици, които са и уникални, и интересни (което си е субективно, но все пак), и качествени, но просто... нямат достатъчно посещаемост, а и да имат сравнително-голяма, печалбата им от реклами или друго стига колкото да си платят хостинг, домейн и най-много да имат малко джобни пари и... дотам. Случаят с този форум, който вече е с 45453 поста е доста подобен.

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